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Everything posted by 5timechamp

  1. You have described me to the T, even the damn age is the same.. Whats really frustrating is with the added age results are harder to come by and the nagging injuries just wont go away anymore... I will keep fighting for fitness cause I dont have a choice but its become a chore where the slightest bit of neglect can derail weeks of "progress"
  2. Its the military academies... any serious damage and they get downgraded to warrant officers.... Forgot to ask, did coin land on Bones or Spurs?
  3. Now that all 4 monster designs are known im curious to see how they will stack up power wise in relation to one another.... KG certainly looks formidable this time around but.. But after this big dust up how do u make Kong seem more formidable for the next film? Im also curious as to what the threat will be in Kong vs Goji, will they go full retard and introduce a Monarch Mecha? "You're letting him kill Mothra!" "Why did you say that name!"
  4. It seems those that toe the party line see nothing wrong with this either.. apparently the Reps are fighting the good battle to protect them from... *insert label..
  5. So is anything of significance being done to "fix" the BS in Wisconsin beyond angry tweeting? We will show them at the election is what most people are putting out... this is happening after they showed them.. lol
  6. Yup, just like the first Dark Knight teaser.. all social media is infested with people trying to gain hits for breaking the news to everyone... its gotten very annoying.. plus my anticipation is for the next Godzilla trailer.. specially now that we know exactly how the monsters look
  7. Damn it, just give us a time and date for when Trump Jr is getting arrested... i just when President Cheetoh fuming red in anger and lashing out on Twitter..(guess he'd be spicy cheetoh)
  8. Oh thank goodness... this must be a political hit to stop the creation of Austin Powers 4... Sorry Doctor Evil... Now about that Cat in the Hat sequel..
  9. Sounds like a review of every season of 24 (after the 1st season, FUCK YOU Nina!!)
  10. If those were the incidents... the first 2 if true show the levels of how dangerous basic perception of an act can be... Its almost as if supervisors can misread and think that they have a good "friendly" working relation with a subordinate when in reality the subordinate interacts seemingly as an obligation... Part of the reason the Military is so big on preventing fraternization given the various levels of authority... it can ruin a career.. (well unless youre an officer or part of the good old boyd club)
  11. Its a cheap shot given the passing of the man Its not as if the American public will ever truly know or take ownership of the immigration problem being largely a result of things like "Operation Condor", The School of the Americas, and the various massacres and targeted murders up and down Central and South America that resulted from the fight against "Communism South of the Border".. I think the general public would rather stay within the image of the US that is benevolent and on the side of righteousness
  12. Thats the best so far... its so real I can feel the urge to punch it in the face
  13. Well, another container full of CIA secrets and dirty laundry has been safely put away
  14. Perhaps... maybe i just want it to dip its toes in a few more genres and be financially succesful at it
  15. I meant in the eyes of his followers... they will be believers to the end
  16. Probably the truest thing here..... Trump is unbreakable, He may be guilty of crimes against the nation but to his base he will always be the Cheetoh colored bald eagle that protects their gun rights and fights the snowflakes to save them from the horde of rapist invaders
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