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Everything posted by 5timechamp

  1. is “follow” still the main Ai companion? cutting trailers was never the series’ problem.. if its built 95% on the bones of old gameplay then it may be a pass
  2. yeah.. my comment was more in admiration of John Hannah.. I enjoy watching actors who play in opposing extremes in projects.. Its like watching Stephen Lang be the super cowardly bully Ike Clanton in Tombstone and then hes ultra prick marine in Avatar
  3. somedays 3... somedays IV though most of all I wish they’d revisit the ideas of Castlevania 2... an overworld with more dangerous enemies at night... plus mansions as adventureof link style dungeons deserves to be done right
  4. the goofball brother from The Mummy series was so good as the turd slave/gladiator owner.. plus he got him some Lucy Lawless on top of that... having watched Hercules and Xena the 300-ish Spartacus effects didnt bother me too much..very good program
  5. Bran! “im not Bran” Hail King Bran “ok, i will be Bran”
  6. I dont know the “marketing” decision making process.. but they seem to have gone a couple of trailers too far... a few of these moments would have worked as solid surprises in the film.. not sure if its marketing incompetence or lack of faith in the product
  7. Getting closer to a Darkwing reboot.. On Ducktales Darkwing just went full “...either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”.. Such a meta episode of Ducktales.... one of the best episodes of anything in a long while
  8. Cummings sounds perfect.. Keith Ferguson is spot on as megavolt.. sounds just like Dan Quackerjack still has it.. Steelbeak is whom i need to hear... but hell we’re getting Animaniacs (hell they updated countries of the world song recently).. so sell nostalgia please
  9. i saw people were mad that the guys did all the spots for MITB (flip over the ladder into a powerbomb onto a ladder with the guy bouncing off ooof!)... then Lesnar shows up for the “easy” win.. now the part timer who doesnt care eliminates the surprise of mitb for a shole year
  10. so if the film wont take anything from the cartoon but the name.. whats the point? Ive been watching lots of Talespin lately and it holds up great ..(Don Karnage!, Thembrians).. Ducktales was consistently good but Talespin had bigger highs.. The new Ducktales show has had Darkwing show up (voice actors are spot on)... they have a new Don Karnage too (garbage!)
  11. N64 “felt” Castlevania in some weird way that other 3D games that tried to be castlevania didnt... gothic decor, whip wielding hero, platforming and whatever the hell else goes into the special sauce.. plus the boss battles were great ... stupid dracula kid
  12. yeah, they will patch in the music as an option.. they will also eliminate the censorship...I love castlevania before the “metroid-vania” dumb down i must be one of the few weirdos who enjoyed the N64 Castlevania... specially the “improved” Legacy of Darkness... bad camera, stiff controls but great levels and gameplay scenarios.
  13. I just yesterday found out that the japanese versions of the Nes/famicom releases had superior soundtracks than their US counterparts.. huge differences.. legend of zelda theme is also different in japanese version
  14. Looks meh.. I dont have a preference whether its a direct adaptation (dark knight returns) or a reimagining of the story (under the red hood)...
  15. Its almost too much to take in... way too many tools to cause grief.. oddly enough im most excited for the new level themes and the various new musical themes they had to create wish i was young again to really play
  16. I have yet to watch an episode of the show.........but its everywhere lately of this show i know this: Sean Bean..lots of Memes. Dragons (more like Wyverns methinks).... So after searching youtube for videos of the Dragons in action 2 things: the musical score for the show is great....the sound made right before the Dragons breathe fire is awesome... the end.
  17. Im guessing the "other" Ghosts if any will likely fill the roles of the buchones from the previous games... the cinematic setting the scene vs the gameplay video are complete opposites of one another... My biggest problem with this idea is that Ubisoft is still emphasizing the coop aspect of the game with the four-man Ghost team on the box cover and the gameplay reveal involving said team raiding a drone lab. The entire narrative is based on the premise that Nomad has lost his greatest weapon (the team), but everything else Ubisoft has shown serves to reinforce the usual GR concept of working as a team.
  18. selective fixes would be a great way to refresh and justify purchase of older titles... an instance which immediately comes to mind is from The Crow...the scene where funboy shoots his hand and it heals is distressingly bad... some "bad" cgi should remain an age gracefully, that scene should not...
  19. I respect the fact that the gaming industry is working closer together to not waste assets.... Bungie giving Ubisoft leftover Destiny characters to use in their game is a good thing... So.. they specifically said they listened to the community... hence bloused boots. -Everyone in the community hates the drone flood in P v P so what do they do? they drone flood the SP lol.. -They confirmed no AI teammates for SP (synch shot mechanic is done through drones now)..... so whats the point of vehicles with turrets in SP? -they went from improve the squad AI to Remove... For those of you who enjoyed it and look forward to it good.... all I can say is that the Wildlands premiere had me hyped up for the game and what it could potentially be.... this one is quite the opposite, some of the new mechanics would have been great in Wildlands ... I will take the wait and see approach but this at the moment looks like the Socom 4 of GR..
  20. Ive watched it a couple of times... Its was odd to see Michael Beck of the Warriors in this....surprised he didnt move on to bigger and better things, maybe this sunk him. The signature musical performance at the end is still real good.
  21. oh FFS.. Nobody Cares or will care until its become evident their own ass is in danger... danger meaning everyone around them in a 1 mile radius is dead.... dramatic examples and all that
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