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Everything posted by 5timechamp

  1. Well the thing is the majority of celebs think like that.. they spend all the time enjoying and showing off the excesses of their lives yet expect normalcy and compassion from a bunch of strangers lol..
  2. These stupid celebs need to realize once and for all that having "fans" is not the same thing as having friends.. A fans opinion shouldn't matter or carry weight unless its "valid" criticism of the product they provide The "actress" Sarah Hyland went off IG cause she talked about a family member passing away and put a link for a Go-Fund-me the family set up to pay funeral expenses... her "fans" and random people alike called her out for not just paying it all herself...She got "upset" because people were insensitive in a private moment of hers..
  3. Becoming President only put a bigger microscope on Trump and all his holdings..I wouldnt be too upset if he got wiped out.. still waiting for the morning when I wake to find out Trump Jr, Ivanka, Kushner and others have been taken under arrest..
  4. Thought Johnson & Johnson died when the top of the tower exploded? Isnt that why we needed more Fbi guys?
  5. So this was 2013, I wonder how dug in these Ruskies are now.. Someone tell Marvel they dont need to make a Secret Invasion movie.. Screw it, I will go watch Mollys Game, damn shame toby maguire, dicaprio, affleck and the Olsens didnt cameo as themselves..
  6. It would be quite "awesome" if 5-10 folks on his staff suddenly quit and left him scrambling for names... it would be some real draining going on
  7. Just announce Kushner already... people will be thrilled just to hear what he sounds like... hes got the best resume tbh..
  8. I meant passing herself off as a victim of Trump.. victim of an oppressive husband as she bravely suffered in silence shit..
  9. I wonder what kind of infidelity prenup Trump signed that hes letting everything go belly up short of admitting he cheated... If this bursts i cant wait to see Melania pass herself off as a "victim"... wonder if she'd be supported..
  10. ... is this the one where he takes a young black disillusioned soldier and turns him into a killing machine? Rambo 5: Kilgore?
  11. So, Oprah, then Rosie, then Ellen.., wonder who the "next" big one will be.... I swear if Pizza Lampanelli gets a talk show..
  12. I can honestly say I recognized which movies those were pulled from...now i need the same person to do the same using 80s/90s footage and one for the Millenium films.. Also, I really wouldnt be offended by another Destroy All Monsters game...average as they may have been
  13. I wish I could tell you that Michael Cohen fought the good fight, and the sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that... But prison is no fairytale world
  14. But didnt u say he was closest to comic book batman cause he was "A paranoid loner who hopes for the best but plans for the worse, is scientifically gifted and a brilliant detective." I listed examples of that but now its just realistic but not comic accurate.. the hell? Either way, Affleck is a big loss (on par with losing Cavill), I had hoped he'd have enough enjoyment from the role to get us that Reeves film made.. thats a big missed opportunity..
  15. Well he didnt exactly figure it out cause he heard Bruce Wayne cough.. he was digging into the files of the Company digging for stuff... its a plausible thing that makes sense... its an alternate way of addressing questions as to why nobody at Wayne company recognizes the vehicle, its no more a silly situation than where a man builds an entire suit of armor in a cave with no tech beyond plot armor of hes a genius... plus if he planned for every contingency there would be no movie all crime is solved 🤔
  16. Keaton, the sword fight in the alley was done well enough, as was the fight against the big goon in the cathedral.. just dont ask Keaton bats to show u his arms Bale, planning and detective work... he did investigations to get info from flass about the drugs, scoped out the house in the narrows, took on Ras on Train with gordon as backup in tumbler.... used irradiated bills to track mob money... was so genius that he got fingerprint off a bullet in a method so convoluted scholars still trying to decipher it... knew all the cops by name and had general knowledge of them... the Lau capture was well synchronized... Pruitt building takedown was done on the fly to save lives... What Bale needed was a better fight/action choreographer.. and a friend good enough to slap him out of that dark knight voice.. Affleck Batman.. well I accept his state of mind and why he acts the way he does.. there just wasnt enough "true" batman in there for me... he deserved a better film.. I dont count Justice League (just imagening his stupid fangirl fawning when Superman arrives at the final battle)...🤢 i guess I would still choose Bale, but put Affleck in the Dark Knight and its perfect.. I still insist Dark Knight Rises is a clusterfuck of missed opportunities.. Bane and Catwoman are the only redeeming parts.. Well that and "Risen from Darkness on the soundtrack
  17. Its great and all but (sorry is not meant to discredit)... can female led movies succeed without the "extra" backing: comic book film, Disney feature etc... can a female launch its own franchise/property if its well made? The film Lucy is a good example, it was rather succesful..
  18. He is a great choice... specially if u follow the ripple effect with Trump, Kushners "weather the storm" sage advice... too bad its just words and accountability is out the door
  19. Meanwhile Kongs lazy ass is on his island playing with his banana... the things coming out of the ground at the start...unseen creatures? Theres gotta be a red shirt monster in this.. Mutos?
  20. Scott nothing.... wait til he meets Luis, then he goes talking, except the twist is he will say it all in Groot
  21. He's resorted to quoting Geraldo? Why? Does Jerry Springer not have Twitter?
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