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Everything posted by NeoJoe

  1. And after seeing that scene where he seems to pour a bowl of spiders on himself, that gets a big ol' NOPE from me in terms of watching it. lol
  2. I have no idea what that's about after watching that trailer.
  3. Ha! I love it. He's unique for sure. The other two rumored characters for this season are: We shall see.
  4. They die in 2+ hits depending on how much armor they have but definitely faster. Enemies are also much faster and aggressive and their parry windows even shorter. I guess the idea of lethal is to make the game "realistic" in how many sword strikes you could actually take before dying. Don't quote me on that. lol That Legends mode came out of nowhere! LOL! I'm excited for it though. As bad as AC Unity was, I had a blast playing the 4 player co-op. I think it's clever of SP to keep this mode away from Jin and his companions. It lets them have fun with the mythical elements, which I'm excited to explore, while not muddling the main story. Very smart.
  5. Nope you start from scratch. Hopefully they release a NG+ in the near future. I'll try lethal again when they do. Dying to uber aggressive enemies in 1 or 2 hits became too tedious and I just wasn't fast enough to parry in lethal anymore. Duels became a headache.
  6. I started a 2nd play through on lethal and just couldn't do it. I got as far as having armored Mongol but having to do each encounter over 10 times became very frustrating. And don't get me started on duels. I lost count trying those. Switched it down too hard and enemies are a bit more tanky but it's definitely not as frustrating as on lethal. I love this game too much for it be an excruciating experience. I want to enjoy it! lol
  7. This so hard. People keep acting like S2 is the most awful thing on television. Why exactly? The giant spirit fight at the end? Um Aang turned into a giant water monster and fought off an army. Because Korra's connection to her past lives was severed? Well, that wasn't her fault. And seeing how she deals with it in S3 particularly is what makes her character growth so amazing. In retrospect, I love LOK S2 way more than ATLA S1 for exactly the reason you mentioned. And can we talk about the fantastic Avatar Wan story? 2 of my favorite episodes ever. And if anyone brings up the stupid idea that the turtles granting the energy to bend retcons the story of the "original benders" in ATLA, it doesn't! It's not like the moon came down and taught people to water bend or badger moles held classes on earth bending. The turtles gave humans the energy to bend and humans learned and mastered their bending by watching the "original benders". It's really not that hard to understand. edit: Forgot to mention that Korra opening the spirit portal and it's repercussions on the world are one of my favorite things about S3-4. Tenzin's pep talk to her about it makes me so happy too.
  8. I think season 2 was my least favorite of the 4 but after a rewatch recently, I actually still really liked it. But yeah, season 3 is insanely good.
  9. I know. I was interested knowing the original creators were behind it. More so to see what they could do these days with proper CGI, comedy and casting. But honestly given the huge fandom, I really wish they would make the comics into new cartoon seasons.
  10. I just finished and got the platinum too and feel the exact same way! When I replay I will definitely pace myself a bit more. I entered act 3 with almost everything already at max which only left exploration in that act. I'm debating if I should replay on lethal or wait for a NG+. Ending spoiler:
  11. I'm towards the end of act 3 and I love this game so much. It has so much of what I love in an open world video game. The way it opens up section by section keeps my collector/explorer itch in check without overwhelmingly having everything open at once. The story is fantastic and I love that it's not a choose your dialogue crap. I get to experience the narrative of Jin and his friends. I completed every tale i the game and the friends tales are so well done. and NO FETCH QUESTS! The gameplay is fun as heck. I feel like such a bad ass every time I challenge a group of enemies. Act 3 definitely has me using stealth more though as the enemies definitely got harder but even then I'm loving it. I find myself using all the tools available for such a versatile and fun way to take on a camp. The little nuances in the swordplay to the stances, it all feels so good. The organic way to explore with no mini map, the wind, foxes and birds is so amazing and refreshing. It's going to be hard to play another AC after this. So many QOL improvements over any AC game. It's a nearly perfect experience for me, held back slightly by the camera that takes a bit to get used to and the lack of load outs. I find myself only using a handful of charms because they become tedious to switch. And switching my armor every few minutes is also slightly annoying but thankfully it's quick. Overall, this is one of the top games I've played in my life. Definitely top 5. edit: Also, I have never in my life taken so many in game screenshots. The environment is gorgeous and I love just watching the wind blow through the trees, maybe play the flute or sometimes just practice sword combos which sheathing and unsheathing my sword. The music is also incredible from the serene exploration music to the thumping drum beats of battle.
  12. I was obsessed with that game for so long. If this can somehow pull off what Castlevania has done, then I'm all in.
  13. The Hades and Atlantis ones aren't too bad but for the love of Zeus skip the Hidden Blade. It's atrocious. The male Eivor voice is really bad! WTF?
  14. He apparently had severe depression all his life. His mom even wrote a song for him when he was younger that's quite touching but telling. I often times think that money would solve so much of my battle with depression but I see these stories of famous people who have so much money and still take their own lives. It's a reminder that mental illness knows no economic differences. I'm saddened for his family.
  15. I absolutely loved this movie! Not sure how familiar most Americans are with the ESC but I grew up with it so this was totally nostalgic for me. I was so excited with all the cameos, especially during the song-along. I thought the music was great.
  16. That awkward moment when a username like Dr. Disrespect bites you in the ass.
  17. I hate to admit that the first game sort of messed with my head a bit so I stopped playing it. I found it slightly disturbing on a level that hit me in a really weird way. I was intrigued though and wanted to go back and finish it but never did. I need to now!
  18. I loved this movie so much as a kid that I asked my mom to buy me the book that was based on the movie then did a book report on it for school.
  19. I thought Friendships in MK3 (I can't remember if they were in 2) were so damn stupid but given what they can do these days with graphics and music, those look like they can be quite funny and a nice contrast to the ultra violence.
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