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Everything posted by NeoJoe

  1. Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls is still my all time favorite slap stick 90's comedy. With that being said, I don't want a remake to sour my memories of it. I just did that with Coming 2 America. SHAKAKA
  2. I mean, no way Captain America would have been denied a bank loan, amirite? #samwithnoregrats
  3. I had to watch the episode a second time to really appreciate it. Going back to guns and murdering bad guys and explosions was jarring after WV. But, once I remembered this was how TSW, AoU, CW, and the likes were I was able to get back into the right mindset for it. That initial action sequence was awesome. I'm loving seeing this side of Bucky and am 10x more invested in his story so far than Sam's. I'm sure Sam's arc will be regret of giving up the CA mantle and shield, and I'm super curious how US Agent plays into it. I felt dumb that I didn't recognize the US Agent on first viewing and had to brush up on his history but now I'm really intrigued how they will integrate his story into the show. As for Bucky, I'm not sure how his "amends" story will play out and how he's gonna fit into the grand scheme of the dude with the masks story but I'm 100% on board for it. The therapist and Bucky's session was my favorite part. edit: Also Sebastian Stan with short hair, awkward smiling and being shirtless? Yes, please. More of all that.
  4. @Keyser_Soze Why you slackin'? Ok these character models really are starting to look better and better. And it looks like they fixed that weird hit detection thing from earlier trailers. What an improvement!
  5. I wasn't sure what to expect with WV and that blew me mind. I don't know what to expect with FAWS but my expectations are now pretty high. I'm excited for Friday! I have a question! The MCU has caught up with my comic book knowledge after the twists in WV. This might be a dumb question but I always had this assumption that the way Cap throws his shield and catches it without breaking his arm had to do with the super soldier serum he was given. Does something similar happen to Sam or are we supposed to just let go of that thought and believe a non supped up human arm can handle the force of the shield like he's doing in that trailer? if that question is in itself a spoiler, I don't really care to be spoiled about that, so please let me know!
  6. I like this article a lot because it mirrors my feelings on Wanda not being set up for a villain. She's better than that. Not a flattering pic of her though. lol Captain America Saved The MCU From Scarlet Witch SCREENRANT.COM The influence Steve Rogers had on Wanda Maximoff can't be underestimated.
  7. Scary Movie 1-3. Maybe 4 if I'm drunk or stoned enough.
  8. Thank you for the links! Holy crap, I had no idea that was a thing. In regards to the trailers, Andy and Yuri's trailers are starting to show good improvements. Maybe there is hope!
  9. Elizabeth Olsen Says ‘Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness’ Honours Wanda’s ‘WandaVision’ Journey – Marvel Movie-Verse MARVELMOVIEVERSE.COM Elizabeth Olsen and WandaVision creator Jac Schaeffer discuss how WandaVision ties into Marvel's Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness.
  10. Agatha's flashback and journey through Wanda's memory gave me the impression that certain people are natural born magic users, witches. The blue energy, perhaps natural energy that witches (see Billy) can manipulate. Agatha started reading the Darkhold and pulling energy from the dark dimension (purple), draining others and considered evil (I'll come back to this). In Doctor Strange we learn that everyone has the potential to cast spells with enough study by pulling energy from other dimensions. The orange shields, whips and such. When it's discovered that the Ancient One was pulling energy from the dark dimension to prolong her life (like Agatha now), things got real murky real quick between her, Strange or Mordo. The lines of magic are now blurred tremendously. What we sort of figured out is that Wanda was a born witch and her contact with the mind stone either turned her (blue) witch magic into (red) chaos magic or she was always born with chaos magic and the stone cranked it up to 11. TBD. Towards the end of WV she still has no idea that she's a witch and has been using spells this whole time (since AoU). The SW can cast without incantation from what Agatha explained. She figures it out right at the end in time to use the runes against Agatha but now with her embracing her witchiness and studying the Darkhold, I'm very curious what direction her character goes. Remember in Doctor Strange when the Ancient One was shocked to discover Kaecilius, thanks to this dark dimension magic, was altering reality outside the mirror dimension? Well now we have Wanda able to create, manipulate and warp reality on a whim. There will definitely be consequences that I think Doctor Strange will address in his next movie. That's my little analysis of where we're at with magical powers by the end of WV. It excites me tremendously. Let me know what you think!
  11. To bring it back to the title of this thread, the residents did their best to comply with Wanda despite being mind controlled to keep their children safe in their rooms. They endured "for the children". Not that they could fight it. heh
  12. I'm low key so worried about that. Wanda really needs a win here and I hope she gets to keep her children. Losing them on top of all this...
  13. Yes. There are pics online color corrected of that image and it's clearly her in what looks like her future costume. edit: Hopefully this works...
  14. Freaking hell. Such an amazing episode. What a way to learn about Wanda'a true past, powers and potential. Wowza.
  15. These are from 11 years ago. Visually things were headed in such a great direction. It makes me sad.
  16. That and you got the whole combo of America + blood + fighting + gore + ninjas fighting + chicks fighting + established fan base = instant success! (lol)
  17. I totally agree. The last time KoF felt awesome to play for me was also XIII from back in 2010. It had that great art style but honestly I can't even remember if it did anything innovative from a mechanics perspective. I guess it brings up an interesting question about fighting games these days: Can they just stick to the gameplay formula, change the graphics and expect success? I can't speak for their success as a company but for me, no. I got bored with the last one especially. SF:V is at least doing a pretty good job staying "fresh" with their V mechanics (subjectively) and Tekken 7/Soul Calibur 6... well they're trying too. lol
  18. So far two of my all time favorite characters have trailers (Kyo and Benimaru) and I just can't for the life of me get hyped for this game. Which bums me out. Maybe they just haven't introduced any new mechanics yet, if ever, but for now it's just same moves from decades ago but a little flashier. And dear lord these atrocious out dated graphics with the shiny play dough hair is so disappointing when we have games like GG Strive on the horizon. Even dated games like T7 and SF:V still look better than this. Samurai Showdown even got a unique fresh look. Come on SNK...
  19. They're really going out all with the gore and it's perfect for this! I expect exactly 0% story and acting but as long as the action is bad ass, I'm all for it. Now if the story and action are better than my insanely low expectations than all the better! lol
  20. You guys, they literally mimicked the Full House intro twice when they ran over the hill and when they were having the picnic. edit: I think it's in the article Johnny posted above me. I totally skipped your post sorry!
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