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Everything posted by NeoJoe

  1. The MCU vs Sony Quicksilver had a pretty noticeable difference in speed.
  2. Ghost of Tsushima has been my GOP (lol). Also my game of the generation. It was pretty much perfection for me.
  3. Looks on par with the last Godzilla and Kong movies. Does this take place in the same universe of those movies? I think some of the actors from the last Godzilla movie were in that trailer, iirc.
  4. Is it just me or does the hit detection seem really odd in that Meitenkun trailer?
  5. They go full Dallas and Deadpool wakes up saying the first two movies were dreams. lol
  6. I loved KoF 13's art style. I wish they kept that style and improved on it.
  7. Hmmm... I never watched the second movie so I have no idea where they are story wise in their lives but Samantha was my favorite part of the show. Without her, it sort of sounds boring.
  8. The official trailer was way better than that first video posted but something about it being in this early 2010's era CGI makes it lose the "magic" I think it can potentially have similar to the other movies from Ghibli. They're trying something new though so I'll try to give them the benefit of the doubt.
  9. It's not so much me against kids fighting as it is to the extent the kids are fighting. These kids seem like they're on murderous rages as opposed to school fights. I understand what you're saying about the same team leading the adults and kids but I feel there's a big difference when watching the kids and adults fight. Maybe it's a talent/experience thing? But I also think the scenarios these kids are fighting in is a bit much. Laser tag brawl? Ugh ok fine. Throw a child through your kitchen window and gonna murder you all in your own home? A bit much. lol
  10. You're lucky cause I honestly can't think of a show or series that would be in between SO FINE. edit: Oh oh How about Iron Fist? haha
  11. I hope Spork knows I love him and respect his opinion. I watch this show with too much of a critical eye (see edit above) which I hate because it makes me enjoy the show less. Gimme all the nostalgia and adult conflict. Just ease off the kid's fights and drama.
  12. legend hit the nail on the head. Also the flows of the fights just look dumb imo. The long fight sequences worked for other netflix shows, I just think they're trying too hard in CK to be like other shows in that regard. Watch the S3 final brawl again but actually pay attention to what's happening in the background. It's embarrassing. I've choreographed many fights for demo purposes and I always found the most important challenges were flow, believability and "flash". None of which the CK kid fights are hitting for me. I'll give credit were I think credit is due, that kid who plays Hawk seems like he has a clue. Robbie and Tory are the worst. Tory has now has two dramatic "I'm gonna hit this bag cause I'm angry" scenes and they are so bad. I'm sure she's trying her best but oof. Oddly enough when the adults fight, I lean into the cheese but once the kids start to go at it, it turns into cringe for me. The fight legend brought up, for example, when Johnny and Kreese were fighting, they obviously had a stunt double for Kreese, which was fine. Even when Daniel came in it was neat. But when Robbie jumped in... immediate eye roll difference. Robbie stahp. I was being a tiny bit facetious with the Power Rangers comparison since it's obviously a show for children but at least the Power Rangers were good at their flows and flash. hehe edit: I want to acknowledge that I'm totally aware I'm being overly critical. It's hard not to be when I'm such a fan of the original movies and loved the homage it paid to the art I studied and helped me when I was Daniel's age. Often times people don't know Karate has many styles and branches. Miyagi Do being the movies version of Goju Ryu really gets me. The fact that they all do the beginning of a form called Seiyunchin pulls at my heart strings. I won a tournament doing that form when I was 17. (A forms tournament! Not a fighting tournament and I did that like in KK3! lol Which to this day I still think is hysterical)
  13. I totally agree and I'm actually surprised at how the nostalgia of the show has me hooked into wanting to keep watching. My main issue is the show trying to do stuff like The Raid (just using it as a comparison since you brought it up), with its huge kid battles and one shot scenes. It's obvious DD was also an influence with its recent success. It goes from cheesy to cringe for me in CK. It doesn't help that all the kids in the show annoy me. lol They did the huge school battle one shot thing in S2. The one in S3 felt repetitive and too "try hard". Anyhoot, now I'm dying to know if they'll bring back the original actor for Terry and what he looks like these days. I'm sure they will since they've done it for practically every original actor. Was anyone else mind blown when they saw Elizabeth Shue? I knew the girl from KK and Back to the Future was the same actress but I never realized it was her in The Boys. I had a total "hold up, goes to IMDB" moment when I saw her on that couch. lol
  14. Dude, I don't even know what to tell you if you think this choreo is good. I've studied martial arts 23 years, 10 of those were studying Okinawa Goju Ryu which is what Miyagi Do is based off of. They're now introducing Okinawan Kobudo (weaponry) which I studied during that time too and they're massacring it. The fighting and choreo done in DD was sick. I'm not saying it needs to be authentic in CK but if you as a martial artist are sitting there saying these fights are good then...
  15. Thanks for that pic! I guess they are closer to age than I remembered. That should make for an interesting twist. Did you seriously just compare the fight choreography in Cobra Kai to Daredevil??? Uh... as a martial artist and as a viewer, I'm totally perplexed by that. Power Rangers has better fight choreopgraphy than the crap CK is doing when the kids (or even adults) fights.
  16. Hold up, so that dude Kreese saved was Terry from KK3? The pony tail villain guy? Kresse and him don't seem anywhere near the same age but I might just be remembering KK3 fuzzy. If so, then it makes that whole phone call and flashbacks more interesting to me. They need to stop with the cringe inducing kids one shot brawls. It was awful in S2 and atrocious in S3. I appreciate the cheesiness when it comes to the adults and their drama but all the kids stuff annoys the heck out of me. edit: Watching Tory fight is the worst. She's awful.
  17. I don't know how I feel about that trailer. It reminds me of 14 so much. I ended up liking 14 more than expected so not really sure what this is offering better. Unreal engine? Welcome to the 21st century! These graphics just scream first gen PS4. I really wish they would go the cell shaded route of Guilty Gear or DB Fighterz. The next GG looks absolutely stunning and it would be nuts to see KoF in that style. Even the new Samurai Showdown uses a cool Japanese art 3D style. KoF is just looking dated with these graphics and the models look plastic-y. I'll keep an open mind since I'm a huge KoF fan but from that... meh.
  18. I only watched the first episode so far and it's already 10x better than that Blood of Zeus crap I endured 2 episodes of. I'm hooked!
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