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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. I would also like to add that The Lord of the Rings - one of the most influential and cherished pop culture properties of all time - infamously committed some of these 'sins', including sections with no plot development and other sections where major characters literally go away for awhile to do other things.
  2. For as entertaining as they might be, I well and truly think the popularity of properties like the MCU, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, etc., and the cottage industry of YouTube analysis they have inspired, has poisoned how people experience modern pop culture. Nothing matters more than driving plot, lore development and continuity are tantamount, and the audience demands to be given a reason to care as opposed to reaching a conclusion on their own.
  3. Inspired by @skillzdadirecta's complete inability to distinguish between Werner Herzog and Lars von Trier, what artists (any medium) do you consistently mix up? Personally, I constantly mix up Roger Deakins and Hoyte van Hoytema. Their styles are similar, they are equally brilliant, and they've both worked with Sam Mendes, which is a recipe for me never knowing which one has worked on what film.
  4. Yang seems like a nice, smart fellow who absolutely should not be president. Why do people want to set the bar so low?
  5. I'm glad to see, 'but it didn't move the plot forward' has died an ignominious death.
  6. The whole situation just makes Uygur look like a chump; he won't apologize for his statements, but he will 'reject' endorsements (as if that can really be done) for the sake of protecting his Beloved Leader.
  7. Gamers in general are fucked in the head, so duh.
  8. Yeah, it's literally just a party at a colleague's house. My girlfriend's is at an incredibly expensive social club downtown, but they are the same night, and since I start a new job next month we've elected to go to mine.
  9. I'm only on Episode 6 so I'm not reading any posts in here, but until I get it through the next episodes (likely tonight) I want it known that this show rules.
  10. Why does the Mandalorian carry through each episode? Because they are characters. Sheesh...
  11. I'm not sure why you guys are clamoring for character and plot development given that the Mandalorian is more or less listless...He's on the run with a child he has no plan for other than an immediate need to protect it, trying to survive threats from multiple angles. They aren't 'filler' episodes, they are stories of his isolation and survival. If you need sweeping plot threads or revelatory character arcs, there are plenty of other TV shows out there that will cater to your needs. The Mandalorian is living in the moment, so watch it in the moment.
  12. How much of this Snyder cut shit comes from people who watch Rick & Morty?
  13. Chris-

    I'm 31.

    Yeah I turned 30 this year and it fucking rules, though I think one's thoughts on the matter tracks with their feelings about the overall trajectory of their life. I can see how turning 30 might frighten people if they think they haven't accomplished as much as they would like.
  14. My man, your mistake was not piping Piper. 10/10 game if you do.
  15. I know his campaign was a joke, but it's a bummer Sestak has been reduced to running for the sake of performance. Having followed his Senate runs, he's an incredible guy. It's a shame the party was too insular to support him.
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