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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. The big things in my area are the county DA (an independent versus a herb incumbent Democrat that is also cross-registered as a Republican) and some ballot measures (increased millage to fund local parks, Marsy's Law). I'm voting for the independent and 'No' on both measures.
  2. What? Maybe I'm not well versed in everything announced at BlizzCon, but there are only like three known things in that post, and they are all things which a reasonable person could guess would happen (what OW2 PvE will be like, the WoW level cap, etc.)
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/03/business/drunk-driving-breathalyzer.html?smtyp=cur&smid=fb-nytimes&fbclid=IwAR3azOPgdjkDseRqQwOb6HLf0ezb-lyL_-d7-YL4Lo69QY0CCvOE6I2kI-o
  4. That doesn't sound a whole lot different than a municipal authority, and in the US those are among the worst entities imaginable; they are run by unelected bureaucrats who are incredibly hard to hold accountable, and who have a keen sense to look out for their own interest above all else.
  5. Yes, because government-owned multi-family units are very safe and well maintained. And wealth accumulation through home equity, as opposed to perpetual rent payments? Pft, who needs it. Community land trusts are a far better usage of government land, money, and time.
  6. Right. And personally, when it's 'capital asset management moron' versus 'good writer', my sympathy is with the latter.
  7. There can be consequences for not listening to your bosses. Bosses can be idiots with no clue what they are doing. Those are not mutually exclusive concepts.
  8. I wouldn't use any word, because Deadspin was always upfront about the fact it did not limit itself solely to sports. You can't be 'off-topic' if those things are already a part of your editorial territory. Besides, it's been widely reported and acknowledged that some of Deadspin's best performing content was *not* sports related.
  9. Calling the police because of a fried chicken line, that's the whitest fucking thing I've ever read.
  10. In the same thread in which some people are saying Rian Johnson wrote a shitty Star Wars story, others are advocating for removing a crucial character from a scene and neutering all emotional impact the scene is meant to impart.
  11. Not going to lie, until today I thought Elijah Cummings and John Lewis were the same person.
  12. I mean really, how can you not be? They get their own culture and sense of community, which looks cool as shit. You know what my culture is, as a straight white man? Basically everything else, and everything else sucks.
  13. Re: the second point, wouldn't everyone on a Congressional intelligence committee have a clearance level high enough to hear anything a career diplomat has to say? It makes little sense painting that is as malfeasance.
  14. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/12/30/bernie-sanders-campaign-harassment-1077014 Nice try though, hack.
  15. See: 'Jungle Fever', 'BBC', porn stars receiving different fees for interracial scenes, etc. Black males are fetishized as taboo.
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