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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Been playing a whole lot of Stardew Valley (Switch), and finally got around to starting Spider-Man (PS4) too. Just got Ring Fit Adventures in the mail so that’ll be on regular rotation soon too (assuming it doesn’t completely suck; I know it won’t be a perfect gym replacement, but I need SOMETHING to fill the void)
  2. You can lead a horse to water, etc. My girlfriend tried to get her mom to consider getting her news from PBS and was thoroughly rebuffed. A lot of those people don’t want the truth, they want to appease their feelings.
  3. The lack of date nights is driving my girlfriend insane...The other day she said we should do something special like cook dinner together and watch a movie, and when I asked how we make that ‘special’ (since we do that all the time) I had my rights read to me. I definitely understand where she is coming from because patience isn’t her strongest quality, and pandemic monotony is real, but god damn do I need an assist.
  4. What's the fucking situation like in a house full of 8 people? Is there always fucking going on?
  5. To what extent has your lifestyle actually changed throughout the pandemic?
  6. Watch soccer in a bar Go to a baseball game Get drinks at a brewery Go to the climbing gym
  7. We’re going to cook a big spread and drop a plate off at my dad’s; the idea was we’d do a quick masked visit to my girlfriend’s parents to just say hi, but they’ve been chuds lately so we may not do that.
  8. As much as I dislike the prequels and RoS, it’s cool... It makes me appreciate RoS a *little* more. I still think it’s barely above AotC as one of the worst films, but that detail at least makes some of its plot choices a bit more palatable.
  9. Wade subtweeted the FUCK out of you earlier in this thread, and you have the audacity to keep talking shit? Lmao smh
  10. Having not really enjoyed the little of Sekiro that I played, I would say yes. The other games still operate in a similar way - mastering the mechanics and learning specific patterns/move sets, but the weapon and class variety gives you more options in how to approach things (Bloodborne is a bit more restrictive in this regard, but not to the extent that Sekiro is).
  11. It's a shame no one cares enough about this game to do a Schreier-type postmortem on what the hell went so wrong.
  12. Someone is worried about their subscriber count! (Which is a shame, because I think HBO Max has the best line up of all the platforms)
  13. I distinctly remember learning in my studies that tying monetary reward to civic acts tends to reduce participation (the example we always learned was about blood donations), so I don’t know if that idea is particularly sound.
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