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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Oh, yeah I totally know I'm being a Debbie Downer on this one (and thanks @Slug for having my back). If I just use this as some "away" time I'm sure I'll be fine. Plus, I talked with my gym trainer who very similar to myself and he grew up in Hawaii and convinced me there's probably at least a little that I can find to occupy my time.
  2. Yeah, but it'll last-minute switch to EGS exclusive so I'll never get to play it and know.
  3. Grandfather passed away recently. Now there's talk about family trip which would largely be paid for. My mom has wanted to go to Hawaii for years and years and years. I have almost zero interest in Hawaii. I'm not an outdoorsy person, not a beach person, scuba, kayaking, etc. I don't have any real interest in the "culture" of Hawaii. Not into "clubbing" or nightlife stuff. What would there be in Hawaii to keep me from being just a straight up bump on a log? I feel like I'd be massively letting down my mom if tried to turn this offer down. Pearl Harbor. Like, that's about the extent of what I'd be interested in seeing.
  4. Realistically, will this do anything? Surely there's some other fly-by-night hosting service based overseas that will happily take these people's money.
  5. Mooching off of someone else's socialism, isn't that like double socialism?
  6. That's a step up from the rumors of Devin Nunes, a stooge with less than no experience.
  7. This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
  8. I dont know what's going on, but the Democratic Reps all seem awful.
  9. Battle Hymn of the Republic is garbage because they ripped it off a Japanese electronic retailer.
  10. There was a time when just saying to boys that they'd grow hair on their palms was enough.
  11. Not to give them any credit, but I think that Oregon_GOP tweet is meant to be sarcastic. There's been a bunch of reports about militia groups protecting the republican senators and the government building being closed due to threats, and that Tweet is supposed to be making fun of the democrats by referring to peaceful protesters as a "heavily armed militia." They just did a real poor job of it.
  12. I've been going to Japan once a year for the past few years, if you have any questions about getting around or something, let me know.
  13. I went to one in DC last year, but every Quiznos I was aware of that I had previously gone to has closed down. They were fine, I guess.
  14. I don't know the password to my Epic account. I had signed up and played whatever the recent UT was and that third person shooter MOBA thing they canceled but never cared about Fortnight. Then, when the daily failed login attempt scammer emails started coming in I said "fuck it" and removed my personal info and changed the password to something random I wouldn't remember. So now I just won't use Epic unless there's some must-have, can't-miss game that comes out exclusively, which has not happened yet.
  15. I actually haven't been to one in a few years, even though there's one like 3 minutes away. Its a weird thing,, its close enough to fast food that they have a drive-thru, but they also have waiters/waitresses that take your order/deliver food inside. I personally really like the food, but I don't know how you can justify having wait staff and stuff for it.
  16. Jimmy Kimmel? Pretty sure that was a bit on The Man Show.
  17. I forgot she was back in jail. I don't know what to say, she was an idiot when she haphazardly released random documents to WikiLeaks in the past and she's an idiot for refusing to testify against WikiLeaks now.
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