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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Ok, I figured there had to be a reason. I just thought it was weird because biggest response at work regarding the swine flu was "don't joke about it, you're making other people in the office nervous." Surprised that my company hasn't expanded the WFH policy yet.
  2. Honest question, but how come there wasn't this level of, not panic per se, but overabundance of caution in regards to swine flu? Swine flu spread very rapidly, but certainly didn't shut down major sports or events in the same way this has.
  3. I'm up to Surface Tension and have really been enjoying it so far. Its weird because there are things that I remember so vividly that I feel like how they do it here is the same as the original, but I know its not. Like, Barney and most of the scientists sound just like I remember them, but then I've heard lines that absolutely did not exist in the original game that its throwing me off. But at the same time, the Marines sound really off, like someone who is not a tough guy trying to do a tough guy voice. But I'd also argue that a lot of the things Half-Life does aren't really repeated all that much. Something like the Tentacle boss thing. You start off just by sneaking by it to go to a different level to activate somethings in order to come back and kill it. Or just like the general contiguous nature of the maps. FPS maps these days are primarily constructed as a sequence of combat arenas, so much of Half-Life feels like they wanted to design a place to explore first, and then they let the enemies take it over.
  4. Overlay this video with a graph of confirmed cases that grows with the timestamp.
  5. MLB season starting up in a few weeks. I almost always go to Opening Day, wonder if they'll even have one.
  6. Papadopodopoulos is not longer valuable after his joke congression run so his "Italian" wife is leaving him. https://www.salon.com/2020/03/10/george-papadopoulos-wife-says-she-is-divorcing-him-after-months-of-abuses-he-is-a-monster/
  7. If Tulsi Gabbard gets to participate in the next debate then I should be allowed. Her and I are basically neck-and-neck in delegate counts.
  8. If things are that bad in Iran you would have to think North Korea is dealing with the same problems.
  9. You would think he would get someone to fit his suits for him, but I guess you can only do so much.
  10. A co-worker of mine used to travel to Thailand once a year and other parts of SE Asia and would frequently keep an eye out for any sort of political upheaval or State Department travel warnings because the cost of airfare would usually plummet. I've been traveling to Japan once a year and always have alerts for cheap flights, but so far I have not seen any discounts. Airfare seems to be holding steady at the moment.
  11. What about the people that don't have hands? Ableist bastard.
  12. I don't care for Bloomberg, but are hospitals actually doing anything other that EOL care for 95 year old cancer patients?
  13. Maybe intentional? Honestly, I always thought Tulsi was going to be the third-party spoiler a la Jill Stein. But if Bloomberg doesn't win the nomination, maybe he runs anyway.
  14. I don't get it. Neck up? Bloomberg should just call him a fatass who leans forward when he's standing up to hide his gut.
  15. They should just skip Iowa and come back to it at the end if it'll actually matter. Iowa lost the right to sit at the adult's table this year.
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