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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. I didn't have to take a road test. People who did well enough in Driver's Ed didn't need to. I just went for theh DMV and got my license. This was Illinois.
  2. Yeah, I'm not so sure on Abrams. I'd like to see Tammy Duckworth. Not that the GOP has any shame, but picking a Purple Heart recipient should would be a big plus.
  3. Yeah, I wanted to go back and do the Hard battle stuff, but I don't really feel up to playing through the whole chapter to get to where that stuff unlocks. I'm actually going to shelve the game for now and play.... original Final Fantasy VII.
  4. I heard some of the things she was doing when her husband was first diagnosed and it made me slap my forehead. She needs to shut up.
  5. I think Illinois announced the Stay-at-home order a month ago when I had a little over 3/4 a tank of gas. I've yet to fill up and I'm still at almost a half a tank.
  6. Yeah, I entered the job market in the middle of 2008 and was happy to find a job relatively quickly. Back in February, 90% of my department was given a deal to basically be rebadged under another company and I was one of the few considered valuable enough to be kept on as a full employee. I was planning on using that status as a means to ask for a not-insubstantial raise, or I had plans to look elsewhere. This whole pandemic business sure put the kibosh on that for the time being.
  7. Can we call this the "South Carolina Virus" to emphasize the unsanitary backwoods region it came from?
  8. I understand Valve's explanation for not including melee combat, but now that the game is out, very playable without melee, I think they could probably go ahead and at least put an option in for it. Its obviously something they worked on, so I'm sure it wouldn't be terribly difficult to implement, and since the game is fine without it, having it as a togglable option shouldn't really disrupt anything.
  9. Kinda makes sense he waits until after Wisconsin. While GOO fuckery will probably still propel their Supreme Court candidate over the line, had Bernie dropped out people probably wouldn't bother voting at all because there was no primary.
  10. I literally just finished it 2 minutes ago. I honestly can't remember the last time the ending to a game affected me like this did. And I know exactly what you're referring to with that hanging metal and pipe, the one with the construction helmet on it. I did the same thing, thinking you needed to press down on the pipe. But overall that's a minor gripe. While I'll largely agree it doesn't do anything truly "revolutionary," my experience with VR is that a lot of games kind of do one thing really well, whether its object manipulation, combat, whatever. Alyx does everything really well, and is supremely polished on top of it. In a sense, it almost kind of bums me out about VR knowing that other games have no real chance at hooking me like this has. No other developer can afford to spend the time, resources, or money to achieve the level of polish that Alyx has. And, very selfishly, I kind of want Half-Life to just be a VR series from here on out.
  11. Nier Automata was a game I had zero interest in until some other people that I expected to have zero interest in the game said it was very worth playing. I loved it and I could certainly see myself giving this a try.
  12. Controls just fine WMR controllers, though the original Vive wands don't have a joystick on them so that might complicate things a bit. Got a good 3-4 hours playtime and gonna call it for the night. Physically takes a bit of a toll being in VR for extended periods of time, not just the weight of the headset but standing and holding the controllers in kind of an awkward position for so long has given me some soreness. The replacement of Merle Dandridge as Alyx was unfortunate but the new lady does a good job. The loss of Robert Guillaume as Eli is a much bigger hit.
  13. Yeah, I can agree with all of this. Played for about an hour and a half/two hours and its just a series of "holy shit" moments and visuals. I've been fortunate enough to play a lot of custom VR stuff in Japan and the coolest thing I played was the untethered shooting game at Club Sega. While obviously I don't have the luxury of fully free walking, as a home experience this is nothing short of amazing.
  14. Fucking A. My vocabulary is not broad enough to describe how good this looks. Except that I put an hour into it and then it crashed. But god damn.
  15. Excited to play this, but kind of bummed it'll be on a WMR headset. I wish I could justify buying an Index setup.
  16. By the end of his first term Trump will be the first black president and the first socialist president.
  17. I dunno, its a weird situation. Trump was not going to stop COVID-19 from reaching the US and while he absolutely could have, and should have done more earlier, we still would probably have taken a lot of these self-isolation/shuttering of stores actions anyways. Canada is doing it, France, Germany, all of them and none of them have someone as clueless as Trump. The stock market was going to drop precipitously regardless, just a question of how much of Trump's ineptitude is factored in. The reality is that the decision to shut down sports, close non-essential businesses, etc all came from state governments/governors long before the Trump Administration had the idea or recommending. So we'll get through this situation largely in spite of Trump, not because of him for sure.
  18. Just finished it. All that Xen stuff was really well done, also maybe a bit long. The last fight with Nihilanth was pretty intense as well.
  19. Well, that dude who bought out all the hand sanitizer I think got it repo'd by the government and the State AG is investigating him. So that's something, I guess.
  20. I think the thing that is among the most frustrating about all of this is that there's no way that Trump can calm people's fears. Even if by some miracle he can overcome his ego and actually say the right things about what needs to shut down, how people need to act, what assistance will be available for people, even if he says all that, he's physically not capable of representing the gravity of the situation. The word vomit that would come out of his mouth would lack and sense of seriousness, urgency, or sincerity. He does not, and can not speak in a way that people can take seriously. All the stuff, the shutdowns, the social distancing, started happening while Trump was still saying everything was fine, its under control. Its abundantly clear that the way this country gets through this is completely in spite of Trump, and not because of it.
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