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Everything posted by HGLatinBoy

  1. I stopped reading Batman after Death of the family and bits of rebirth. Is there a story arc I should look into before 3 jokers? i can’t afford too many books but also DC prices aren’t what the used to be ($3 for supes and WW then a month later $2, then Batman was $4 to $3 a month later)
  2. Yeah and I’m sure they they gave Teddy here his daily leche de mipalo to grow big and cuban
  3. Back in the day it was a de facto adults only place but then big companies took over the casinos and realized there was money to be made in Disneying up Las Vegas so they started advertising their hotels as family getaways. And I don’t know any kid that likes going to Vegas and spending their day in hot as fuck city and their only solace is their gaming device and the AC in the hotel room
  4. I have an aunt and uncle that got it. My aunt last I heard was knocked the fuck out. I have no details since.
  5. "what are you doing?!?! Don't you know Winnie the Pooh is helping me get re-elected?!"
  6. Apparently Facebook games had more people than mixer, this whole thing is fucking stupid, and very poorly marketed, they did not even push it like crazy on xbox.
  7. They must've been bleeding money because I assumed that MS wanted Ninja to help promote Halo Infinite and Mixer together, since he used to be a Halo pro player.
  8. There are other other mods that make the game playable. I don't know what the fuck CD Project Red was thinking releasing the game with limited bag space and then do a half ass update that included a bank as if it were an MMO or Resident Evil 4. Anyways the Fast Travel Mod is another one that needs to put in. Basically the only way you can fast travel to a discovered marker is to run to an older nearby marker and THEN fast travel to the one you want. This mod lets you fast travel from anywhere on the map so you dont have to trek to a marker. https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/324
  9. When MS ran out of AAA studios to gobble up they started buy the C-listers. Also I would not want Netherrealm in charge of K.I. they can stick to MK, to me they're just completely different beasts and NR games are hit and miss for me. Even when I like their games there's just something about them is never truly satisfying. I would love for NR to implement characters from Tao Feng and Kakuto Chojin though if they were ever picked up.
  10. A set of tile trackers and USB C lightning cable and charger for his iPhone.
  11. I suggest the Ryzen 3 the new one that just came out that can compete with the i7 7700k if you're dropping down CPU
  12. Didn’t they just re-release the PC port a few years ago? Why bother remasting it if they’re not going to at least use the Dreamcast assets?
  13. whats the budget and what have you looked at already here is something I pooped out should be good for photos and I guess you can play games on it, but i wouldn't. Unfortunately PSU prices are very high for what you're getting at the moment. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nK2DvW You can use this as a base to modify.
  14. https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3080-ampere-design-leak/ According to Jayz 2 Cents the 3080ti/super might not even be their flagship... I guess @Mr.Vic20 is going to play his farmville with a 3090!
  15. 9 year old game needs a remaster? Is it because they want to show us that they can do 64 players on PS4 finally or what?
  16. Man of Steel is the closest you're going to get to a live action Dragon Ball Z film
  17. He's been trying to get Man of Steel 2 going for a while now and he was very happy working with Christopher McQuarrie and they were trying to pitch something to WB and they passed so Cavill went to do Witcher instead. WB is so stupid.
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