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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. They should probably wait to see how The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf turns out first before making this, but I'm all in to at least check it out either way. Really enjoyed season 1 of the TV series (which adapts much of the first two books).
  2. Go watch last years Color out of Space starring Nicolas Cage (based on the short story of the same name). It is an excellent Lovecraft adaptation.
  3. I mean, it's a well put together, well made, competently made film. It's story and characters are indeed what are lacking, but the scope and ambition make up for it. We rarely get sci-fi/space opera films that actually take place in space and on other planets, so it's nice to just get a film that does on a large scale. I'm starved for such content, and Avatar does it well enough. But I agree, ultimately fairly forgettable film.
  4. I recommend Hustlers with Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu instead. Great movie and it's not a case of a remake where women are just replacing men in the cast. It's an original film very loosely based on a true story. If not that I recommend Steven McQueen's Widows as well (he did Hunger, Shame and 12 Years A Slave), which I stil find highly underrated.
  5. Same. I own the super extended version on bluray and have watched it 2-3 times over the years. It's a fun, solid sci-fi flick but not much more. It's scale and Cameron's solid skill keep it together.
  6. I agree with all of this. Obsidian is interesting - they are a company always emulating other companies. Their first game, KOTOR II, and their second game, Neverwinter Nights 2, were both emulating Bioware. Then, after Alpha Protocol, they emulated Bethesda with Fallout: New Vegas. Right afterward, they emulated Gas Powered Games with Dungeon Siege III. They've begun to forge their own path since with South Park: The Stick of Truth, Pillars of Eternity I + II, SkyForge, and Tyranny, but after playing The Outer Worlds, which was good, but not great, that game felt a lot like it was emulating Bethesda's Fallout model. This is no slight against them, I think they outdo the originals in some cases with their version of the IP, but I also agree that I am interested in Avowed but I don't want it to just be "Obsidian does Bethesda's Elder Scrolls" because that wasn't so great for The Outer Worlds.
  7. I do feel as if I took all that into account too already when I made the list. You can't even average out the game development time for 4 of the 6 studios from Sony who haven't even announced yet. Even with your additional variables, Microsoft comes out ahead. Again, yeah, I agree it's more scale and proficiency question than numbers, but numbers do tell us something when everything else is taken into account.
  8. I absolutely agree - all release dates will shift. Was my post assuming anything about how far along games are? To elaborate: I'm saying I think both Sony and Microsoft's roadmaps are screwed, just that on its face since Microsoft has more announced games that perhaps they are more far along in terms of games getting lined up for the next generation. Part of the reason I think this is because 6 of Sony's studios just released games in 2019 and 2020, which isn't the case with Microsoft's 15 studios, so Sony has to by default be "more behind". It's all just speculation, but that's why I think that. No credence to it you think? First party studios can only really work on one double or triple A game at a time (just look at each company's resume, seems to be the case) so it's going to take those 6 studios awhile to get going. Not only is there a console generation shift and COVID-19 to contend with, each of those 6 studios just finished hauling ass on their last game in each case.
  9. I had no idea, if that's true then yes, that makes it 15 for Microsoft, exactly the same as Sony. That would make it 4 out of the 15 studios that didn't or haven't announced a game from Microsoft then (though I think it's a safe bet to assume that The Coalition is working on Gears 6 and I doubt Mojang is working on anything). So that does leave two left, including The Initiative. Thanks for the info! Surprised The Initiative didn't announce a game then. But I think 12 out of 15 first party studios having announced games is pretty damn good on Microsoft's part, all told (with Obsidian working on two at once). Technically that's currently better than Sony's 9 out of 15 studios with announced games (with Insomniac working on two at once), so at that point it becomes about the catalogue of games and what intrigues each individual person. Son'y lineup and style of games feels very different from Microsoft's lineup and style of games (in terms of first party studio games).
  10. I don't count The Initiative for the same reason I don't count Sony's San Mateo Studio (formerly Foster City Studio) or Sony's XDev Studio since The Initiative seems to just shepherd projects for other studios rather than make any games of their own. That's my understanding of them so far anyway. If I were to count The Initiative, that would make it 15 for Microsoft, but then I'd have to count San Mateo and XDev for Sony, which would make 17 for Sony. But studios who shepherd projects to help out other studios doesn't strike me as being worthwhile to count (in terms of games), despite all the great support work they do, I'm sure. And we'll see if that comes to fruition for inXile! A company working on two games at once is pretty rare, we'll see if the game ever really materializes, as this happens a lot during a new system launch where studios get ambitious, pseudo-announce an untitled project, and then it never happens. I stick to a game with at least a title and/or a trailer of some kind (even just an announcement trailer). I have the same policy with films, TV, and anime, after having been burned too many times in my life from exciting announcements that never went anywhere for years in many instances. I think Remedy (for example) recently said they're going to expand and make like 3-4 games, and I was like: "yeah right, we'll see".
  11. This could have been the definitive version had it carried the previous PC/PS4/XB1 assets and simply added on all the bells and whistles features-wise of the Switch version. But no, now it's still a choice between graphical bells and whistles vs. features bells and whistles. *sigh* And I don't even care about Dragon Quest, it's just stupid.
  12. It's the same problem with Sony to a degree as well. Of their 15 studios, only 9 could announce any games (which they did), the other 6 just had games released in either 2019 or 2020, so no way those 6 companies can have anything lined up and ready to go yet (or even announce yet). By comparison, at least Microsoft was able to have 12 of their 14 studios to have announced games, which is better than Sony's 9. That indicates Microsoft and their studios' games for the next generation are further along than Sony's, though 9 vs. 12 isn't a huge gap. But Sony having 6 secret games waiting in the wings vs. Microsoft's 2 secret games (from Compulsion and Mojang, unless that 3rd one you mentioned is real from inXile) does give Sony more room for future announcements whereas Microsoft is done until these 12 current games come out. So presumably Sony is just as screwed in the roadmap regard?
  13. Let's just be glad that the entire slate of first party games has finally been announced (except from The Coalition, Mojang, and Compulsion). It's a start. Microsoft hasn't even, had, like, games for awhile now. Not a whole slate/line-up at least like this on Xbox/PC.
  14. I thought the show was about what one could reasonably expect: solidly good. Microsoft owns 14 independent first party studios (Sony has 15), and now we know what all of them but three are making: you really can't expect more than 14 game announcements from Microsoft themselves (for third parties it's entirely up to themselves in regards to what stage(s) their games are in, of course) right? For example: -343 Industries: Halo Infinite -Double Fine: Psychonauts 2 -inXile Entertainment: Wasteland 3 -Ninja Theory: Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II -Obsidian Entertainment: Avowed, Grounded -Playground Games: Fable -Rare: Everwild -Turn 10 Studios: Forza Motorsport -Undead Labs: State of Decay 3 -World’s Edge: Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition (with Tantalus Media) -Relic Entertainment: Age of Empires IV (not a first party studio but counts here kind of) -The Coalition: just made Gears 5 and Gears Tactics (the latter with Splash Works) (presumably making Gears 6) -Mojang Studios: just made Minecraft Dungeons -Compulsion Games: ????? So I'm really not sure what people expected or wanted? A lot of these announcements were expected or already known (for the most part), and the fact Obsidian is working on two games at once (like Insomniac Games for Sony) is a bonus. Personally, I'm only interested in Senua's Saga: Hellblade II from that list, maybe Fable, Everwild, Halo Infinite, and Avowed depending on how they turn out. Psychonauts 2 as well, but first I have to get around to playing the first one still. Edit: By comparison, of Sony's 15 independent first party studios, only 7 of them have anything currently announced. I could easily make guesses as to what two more are working on, making it 9 to Microsoft's 11 (to be fair, Sony's six other studios all get passes for now since all six just released a game within the past year). So in terms of sheer numbers and possibilities, Microsoft technically has more announced at this point from under their umbrella in terms of sheer upcoming games (games, all that matters in the end). And as a PC gamer who will play all of these on PC, I appreciate Microsoft bringing all of their games to all PC players, not just Xbox owners. I look forward to Sony slowly doing the same.
  15. That's because they aren't considered as great, in all honesty. Cronenberg starts getting good with The Brood and Scanners, and then starts getting really good with Videodrome, The Dead Zone, The Fly, Dead Ringers, and Naked Lunch. After that, his good films are M. Butterfly, Existenz, Spider, A History of Violence, and Eastern Promises. He hasn't really made anything good since, unfortunately (A Dangerous Method was fine, Cosmopolis and Maps to the Stars weren't so good).
  16. Pretty much impossible without Itagaki. Let's be glad Nioh 1/2 are as good as they are, and that Team Ninja has somehow kept the reputation intact without him.
  17. I do when I can, except . . . I can only find them some of the time too, when there's more than enough space for there to be a scripted petting action, I have found. Also, I love how different Nioh 1/2, Sekiro, and Ghost of Tsushima all are from one another. Having played all three now (not Nioh 2 yet), each is very Japanese and very samurai/ninja in their ways, but take very different approaches in style, tone, gameplay, combat, etc. It's been an embarrassment of riches lately for me, a big fan of the setting. I can't wait until Nioh 2 hits PC now. I will say that Ghost of Tsushima's combat is the easiest (though still very satisfying) but it's the most open world, etc. so the tradeoff is worth it. Sekiro is only semi-open world and Nioh 1 wasn't open world at all, you had a world map and picked individual levels that were relatively small. Also nice is that while Sekiro takes place in the late 1500's and Nioh takes place in 1601, Ghost of Tsushima takes place in 1274 which lends some differences as well (300+ years is a big gap). This does cause anachronisms pulled in from Sengoku-era (1500's/1600's) understandings of samurai and ninja and pulls them into 1274 Japan (for instance, ninja didn't exist yet), but it doesn't matter with this more folklore-style take.
  18. That's pretty cool. I have been bombarding enemy encampments usually in stormy rain and knowing this makes it cooler.
  19. Having done a lot of stealth, I will say I have seen more and more rainy weather and storms and was wondering what was up . . . If this is true that's cool as shit.
  20. A lot of white people sympathized so well with Ed Norton's character that they don't see the film as an indictment of hate and hate culture (the film it is) but rather get deeply tribalistic and only reaffirms their casual racism as justified. I agree with you completely, but as people said, Falling Down was pretty overt and people missed the message in that one.
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