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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. I like what's currently happening - where we're getting both types of camera perspectives. RE7 and RE8 but then also RE2Remake and RE3Remake (and the upcoming RE4Remake). I still wish we were getting RE0 and RE Code Veronica remakes as well.
  2. Sorry, my bad, I was thinking of Spoof on Titan. Junior High did eventually get a 12 episode anime, it's fun and silly but doesn't amount to much (and is of course non-canonical). Also some things will be ruined if you watch all the OVA's after season 2 since some OVA's hint at things that then season 2 makes clear but it works either way, just wanted you to know.
  3. I believe the OVA's are Japanese only (though I do watch the main series dubbed) and while not essential, they do play well where they are meant to be watched in the course of the show, so it's worth hunting them down, but you'll have to find alternative means to get them (I have suggestions if you need help, PM me). The reason they are hard to find is they still haven't been officially released in the West (I believe), but fansubs exist for them. They were one-off episodes bundled with releases of volumes of the manga rather than as part of a release with the main show on bluray or something. There are three Attack on Titan recap/compilation films, you can ignore those. There are also silly spin-off shorts called "Fly, Cadets, Fly!" which you can also ignore. Just ignore everything except the main show and the OVA episodes. The first three OVA episodes (Ilse's Notebook, The Sudden Visitor, and Distress) can be seen after you finish the first season (the first 25 episodes) of the main show. The two-parter OVA "No Regrets" (which elaborates on Levi's backstory) can also be seen right after you finish the first season (but after seeing the first three OVA episodes). The final three OVA episodes, the two-parter "Wall Sina, Goodbye" and the one-off "Lost in a Cruel World", should not be seen until after you finish season two (so after you watch episode 37 overall) but before you go on to watch season three. And that's it! Otherwise, you can just watch the main show and be set. Junior High is a manga by the way, not a show.
  4. All you need to watch is the main TV series and the OVA episodes, that's it. The live-action movies are a waste of time and the chibi, silly spin-off series Junior High is also not connected to the main show. Just the main show and the OVA episodes, trust me. The rest is non-canonical, unless you want to directly read the original manga.
  5. The live-action movies (there are two) are terrible and are in no way connected to the anime and so do not follow the first season or anything, they are their own thing. The anime is an adaptation of the manga series, and is excellent and is very binge-able. There are currently 59 episodes (plus 8 OVA episodes) so far, spread across three seasons. A fourth and final season is due to come later this year or early next. It's nothing like Game of Thrones though to me.
  6. I haven't seen it yet but am about to - Hamilton is also in top 3 for me for founding fathers, so looking forward to it! Hamilton got done dirty in terms of history, I always thought. Of course, he was very imperfect too, but in interesting ways. Not as good as Madison or John Adams doe.
  7. James Madison proving yet again why he's one of my favorite founding fathers. Dude was usually all about parity and fairness and usually found his more "of their time" fellow founding fathers to be extremely confounding.
  8. I mean, bring back everyone, for sure. I like Garrett Hedlund, and he's only become a better actor in the interim. I want it to be a direct sequel, and they hinted Cillian Murphy could become one of the big bads of the sequel, so I want to see that happen. But definitely bring back Olivia Wilde.
  9. Yeah - I Saw The Devil is an even more difficult experience (and better as a narrative) but this was a lot like that, in all the best ways.
  10. Holy shit I am amped. As a huge fan of Tron: Legacy (the audio/visual assault on the senses alone is worth watching it again and again), I was sad when they were just about to start filming the 3rd and cancelled. Bring back Cillian Murphy! I hope this happens.
  11. I heard that it's pretty average. Good, but not great. I do hear the songs are good/funny though.
  12. Yeah, I was just making a joke. And I think it looks better than you say, slow and clunky or not.
  13. But the boss fight in that one trailer looked lame! So . . . I remain very interested by comparison.
  14. There's a scene in Justice League where The Flash grabs Wonder Woman and runs super fast but ends up falling on top of her as he saves her. He then awkwardly super fast gets off of her and has a super awkward look on his face as Wonder Woman barely realizes everything that just happened. Groped seems aggressive here, I thought it was a funny little bit of physical comedy but yeah.
  15. It's just weird to me that people would even think to note it at all. First time I saw Abby, I was like: "muscular woman" in the same way I'd note a muscular man, and moved on, never to be thought of again. Why would there be any focus on that? I didn't see people questioning Schwarzenegger's physique in every movie, even when it didn't necessarily make sense.
  16. I said in the other thread people have a problem with Abby's muscular design even though it's perfectly fine (and even explained in game). Sad.
  17. Yeah, and I believe his long-time girlfriend said he was very psychologically abusive as well. But I thought on set he was a chill dude.
  18. The utility isn't in telling someone they're doing something wrong, it's knowing what is better, wanting better for them, and suggesting as much. My original post was simply positing wonder at the choice a person would make financially to choose an XSX over a PC at this point in time if one were a "serious" gamer beyond legitimate reasons like money or family sharing. That was really the extent of it. It wasn't about telling anyone the way they are doing something is wrong, it was about when being presented with two choices, why wouldn't one do the PC, which has all the XSX stuff, rather than XSX, which is good but doesn't have all the PC stuff (by a wide margin). My original post had nothing to do with pointing fingers at anybody, merely wondering aloud and making a point about the distinction when faced with such a choice at purchase. Again, the original post was about simple, basic hardware selection, when presented with a choice between two options when one is clearly better and you take what you do seriously with regard to it. It doesn't mean you're "wrong" or "less than" if you choose an XSX over a PC, just that that choice confounds me is all. It wasn't a debate about the distinctions that arbitrarily make one a "serious" gamer or not as some label. Again, I will not be commenting on this further. If people want to discuss further (always happy to, I enjoy discourse), please PM me instead at this point.
  19. I think he meant it doesn't matter in terms of enjoying the thing, which I was agreeing with. That it doesn't matter in terms of enjoyment. The distinction is merely for, as I outlined previously, the person who refuses to get better out of stubbornness, etc. rather than for any real, good reason but continues to call themselves serious about that thing. That rings false to me, and that's what lead to my original "serious" gamer comment. The distinction matters in the context of my original post, not in the context of enjoyment. I'm not going to be addressing this anymore because I feel I am repeating myself at this point. Continue on about the XSX everyone, please.
  20. This is just about basic hardware selection, not the finer detail but that's neither here not there. Additionally, your example doesn't work because, again, no, that doesn't mean he's less serious. But if that person intentionally opted to not get the better setup if they could? I'd question that, yes. You can disagree with me, that's fair, but I do think you can assess someone's seriousness with something to one degree or another with enough evidence/details. You may think that's stupid, but I've seen the same human failings too consistently for it not to be measurable. And I never said it mattered, just that it's the case.
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