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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. Again, it's Bluepoint. You think they don't know about what your guys' concerns are? They are more purist than you are, I can assure you. There's literally no basis in fact to worrying yet here you guys are, worrying. A lot of prevaricating going on here, I'd say. Bluepoint's entire catalogue of remasters and remakes is all held in high regard. The Shadow of the Colossus remake, as someone who played it, thought it was fantastic, and I've played the original PS2 version twice. It has universally excellent reviews across the board. You're finding the few nitpicks and basing your worries off expanding those small nitpicks from SOTC remake to meaning Demon's Souls will suffer too? What, a few nitpicks? Or will it derail the game? I've played almost every Bluepoint game and if anyone was going to remake it, I actually trust Bluepoint more than From Software. They'll base their remake off of the original code, not to worry. I just . . . it's one trailer, and the game is actually happening. Maybe be super happy that the best remaster/remake company in the business is handling it, or keep going on and on about how the SOTC remake wasn't perfect, ergo this game will be bad? Just doesn't make sense. We're in the hype phase, and we have no reason not to be hype.
  2. This is completely accurate. As someone who beat it just a month or so ago the tension and dread in the beginning is thick. It was hard for the first few hours to muster on, but eventually you do leave the house and things do become less scary but I found the entire game very involving. First person is way scarier than third person, as much as I enjoyed the RE2 and RE3 remakes.
  3. Dude, it's Bluepoint. The amount of antipathy you already have in mounting potential worries is very cynical. What reason do you really have to be so worried? Bluepoint has never done a bad remaster or remake. That's evidence enough, I think.
  4. I'm saying to not let some criticism of what appears to be otherwise complete agreement by critics that the game is otherwise amazing (in terms of music, gameplay, direction, etc.; everything unrelated to the tone or violence). In what way am I calling anyone out?
  5. I think you should try to look at the positives in the game rather than this one potential negative and look forward to the game then, if you're buying it anyway. The reviews are overwhelmingly positive.
  6. I'm surprised Sony hasn't bought them out yet - Housemarque makes Playstation exclusives like 85% of the time.
  7. That's on people, not the art. Fight Club, American History X, and many more films are easily misinterpreted by idiots but that's not their fault for being subtle in its messaging/themes or trying something different. I mean, no? The reviews are outstanding, making it sound much more complex that as you present it here. A few reviews talk about the tone and violence being overwhelming, and so we write off an entire game that is otherwise outstanding because of that? Seems silly, petty even.
  8. Wasn't me either but it makes sense that it's just an expansion. Still great to get two Insomniac games though.
  9. I'm reading online that Rift Apart is a direct sequel to the remake of the first game. Does this mean Rift Apart is a remake of Going Commando or will the story go in a new direction?
  10. Timed exclusives don't mean a lot since I can wait until a game comes to PC if it's just timed. Doesn't entice me to buy a PS5 more - the only reason to buy one would be to play games I can't play on PC, true exclusives. Otherwise, at this point if you're a big gamer it just makes more sense to invest in an expensive PC tower and hook it up to your TV than to keep buying console upgrades every 5 years since you can get almost any game these days, whether it's on PS4, Switch, and Xbox One on PC, but not as much the other way around. So I'm only in it for true exclusives, and if Sony continues to do a Sony Game Pass-type thing and moves their first party games to PC as well, then even less reason to have a PS5.
  11. Well no II is better, it should just be Horizon, then a subtitle, so I prefer if I'm wrong on this (which seems I am). Though why did Horizon Zero Dawn get no colon but Horizon: Forbidden West does?! I notice Sony added a colon, but Guerilla did not in their tweet.
  12. Not sure how many more games people expected Sony to show? They only have so many first party studios to make exclusives. Their exclusives line-up is pretty solid.
  13. They only did remasters until Shadow of the Colossus, the only remake they've ever done as I understand it?
  14. Has it been confirmed if it's a remake or remaster? I'm leaning towards remake but who knows.
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