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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Epic ID Mimibear1632 - I suck and don’t use a mic.
  2. Just beat God of War. Debating whether to do the Valkyrie side quest or not. I already defeated 3, but after competing the story, I am ready to move on. Definitely will play some Fortnite. Season 5 just dropped.
  3. I was really hoping for a new design for the Apple Watch
  4. Different era. I would say Barry Bonds since she used performance enchancers. Any mother daughter porn stars where the daughter eclipses the mother?
  5. What condition are these TVs generally in? I want to buy it as a gift for my brother but I don’t want a dinged up tv
  6. Your bias against Hailey is more evident with each post you make.
  7. Please. You don’t like her because she isn’t a 2D girl being raped by tentacles.
  8. Based off the Polygon article, ArenaNet wanted to create a non-toxic environment and is clearly following through.
  9. Selena is a Mickey Mouse cadet and Hailey is a model. There is nothing more to discuss. Discord has spoken. The world has spoken. Please move on and lock.
  10. You hand picked the photos you liked of Selena and didn’t like of Hailey. I posted a string of Hailey photos that shows the range of her beauty in Discord along with bad ones of Selena to balance out the only good pics of her. The matter was discussed and decided on in Discord. Beiber picked the right girl and may he experience a life of happiness with her. Please lock.
  11. I posted a range of photos of Hailey to demonstrate the variance of her looks, which is quite common. @Andrea refused to acknowledge any Selena woof photos. When you compare the highs and lows of each person, it is clear that Bieber picked the right girl. Discord has spoken. Please lock.
  12. Your personal collection of creepy magazine cut outs are irrelevant to this ended discussion. Mods you may lock this thread. Discord has spoken.
  13. This has already been discussed and decided that Bieber made the right choice. Selena is woof without her makeup, but somehow none of those pictures made it here. Plus Selena without a doubt will be a chubby stump once the metabolism slows down.
  14. You are making this into some huge decision, while casually throwing out there that you are planning on getting a second tv anyway. Doesn’t seem like a “7-8 years” decision. I can understand a car decision, but a tv... Don't mind me buddy, you do you. Good luck. Hope it all works out for you.
  15. When you compare the the last 3 generations, it’s clear that Sony’s arrogance during the PS3 hurt its sales. Luckily for Sony, Microsoft picked up that stick for the Xbone.
  16. It is still in my backlog. One day I will play it
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