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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I got central air installed this Spring and happy I did. The last four days have been in the 90s for NJ. I would have roasted.
  2. Lineup includes - The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - Monster Hunter Stories 2 - Monster Hunter Rise - Resident Evil Village
  3. @rc0101 Have the Dodgers send some of that sticky stuff to the Yankees pitching staff. Thanks
  4. This has officially ushered in boxing’s version of the WWF.
  5. Former Kansas City Chiefs assistant coach Britt Reid pleads not guilty in crash WWW.ESPN.COM Britt Reid, son of Chiefs head coach Andy Reid, pleaded not guilty Monday to critically injuring a young girl in a crash shortly before Kansas City played in the Super Bowl. Garbage human is allowed to drive even though he destroyed a young girl’s life and pleads not guilty.
  6. Yea it hasn’t been confirmed but heavily rumored. I think this must be an e3 game pass announcement
  7. Thronebreaker teaches you Gwent so if you are interested play that, and if you like it, get into Gwent. Thronebreaker has a good story too. I can’t wait until my daughter is old enough to play games with me. Though maybe she will be like my wife and look at me with scorn while I play.
  8. remember when people suggested curbing online preorders for B&M only purchases? Lolololol
  9. Yankees are the only clean team in baseball. It is evident by our terrible batting average and horrendous team era.
  10. @SuperSpreader is our steroids and lifting weights expert. What do you say bud?
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