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Everything posted by Brick

  1. The best season, and it was only 6 episodes, not like 18 they have now per season.
  2. You burn 1500 in a single run? How long do you go for?
  3. That line is so stupid I forgot it was even in the trailer!
  4. I don't know, the fact that they're only now releasing the trailer and advertising this when it comes out in a couple of months doesn't exactly fill me with confidence this will be good. WB might smell a turd in the room. Obviously I hope it's good, and not it's so bad it's good, but actually good.
  5. If the loading from one warp pipe to the next is fast, that could be a very hand way to get from one end of your island to the other quickly.
  6. Ted Cruz looks like a fat Michael Stuhlbarg. In fact Stuhlbarg should play him in the movie about this inevitable ineptitude of the Trump administration, and its aftermath.
  7. Looks like a high budget fan film. Even the "get over here" sounded forced.
  8. I'm basically hate watching it at this point. It's just so bland. It's a rollercoaster of a show in terms of quality, and right now it just seems to be spinning its wheels. I actually had to think about what the last episode was about, and I I think they were trapped in a building with thousands of walkers outside, and they snuck out using the wearing guts technique. Really I guess I'm only still watching it just to see how it ends. I made it this far, and there's not much else on Sunday, so might as well.
  9. It is, although some of it sounds more of he's just a fucking dick than a predator (not that he isn't that too).
  10. Well I suppose you could play in chunks, especially the first since it's on Switch now so the portability would help. I remember I took a break when Arkham Knight came out since that's also when I got my PS4, and then went back to it. It is a long game though, but it has some breathtaking art direction.
  11. Have you played any of the games? I was late to the first game and didn't expect to like it as much as I did, especially when I don't play a lot of JRPGs. The second game (X) was still good, but really not on the same level, and story and world design dad vastly different. I have heard 2 is more of a return to form and more like the first game, and I'm looking forward to playing it as it's been in my backlog for a couple of years now.
  12. Aside from the reshoots for Justice League he hasn't directed anything since Age of Ultron, so it seems his career has been over for a while. Does seem to have a show coming out this year though, so it'll be interesting to see how that turns out with everything coming out lately...
  13. I expected Rex to get into Smash, but wondered how they would do Pyra. Tag team kind of like Ice Climbers? Final Smash only? Looks like it's actually Rex getting the Final Smash only treatment lol I thought Splatoon 3 was a Splatoon adventure spin-off title at first. Wonder if that's what they were going for with that odd intro, and that's what the single player will be like.
  14. Reading up on how he denied smoking caused long cancer, and how radon is the number one cause for long cancer for non smokers makes me wonder if my home has been tested, and has radon mitigation. Hmm. Oh and yeah, rot in piss.
  15. Where did I say it's a bad thing? If people like it fine whatever, I just don't care for it. If people are copying the hairstyles of the bandmembers that's no different from people copying the hairstyles from any music genre, or their favourite celebrity. Again not a bad thing necessarily, just an observation.
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