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Everything posted by Brick

  1. Because it's about 2% of the population disappearing? Come on man, if you're young and healthy you have nothing to fear; just isolate the sick and vulnerable and let the rest of us go on with our lives. It only affects 2% of people!
  2. I keep meaning to watch The Leftovers. Think I'll get on that soon what with all the free time I have in lockdown. Not sure what you mean by be changed the tone of Star Wars though.
  3. So what exactly is the plan? Hold until Friday, and then sell all at once before the market closes at the end of the day?
  4. JJ was the wrong choice for IX. A rushed, and panicked decision. Honestly, I think he was also the wrong choice for VII, even though I like The Force Awakens; it's a fun movie despite its flaws! He was too obvious and safe of a choice for VII, and while it mostly turned out all right for VII, all the worries of him being chosen came through with IX with his worst tendencies coming through; the mystery boxes, the pandering fan service, the nostalgia, the spectacle in lieu of meaningful character and story progression/arcs. If Damon Lindelof can take the criticisms he got from Lost and Prometheus, learn from them, and turn out an absolute stellar show with Watchmen, I really hope JJ can learn from The Rise of Skywalker for his future projects, even if I hope none of them involve Star Wars. Same with Chris Terrio; dude just does not have the strengths to work in genre fiction.
  5. I bought the Blu-ray back in like April or May, and have yet to open it and watch it. As a Star Wars fan, that is a damning indictment of the quality of the movie, and just goes to show how disappointing it was that I have no strong desire to rewatch it.
  6. I keep seeing ads before YouTube videos for WealthSimple app. Tempting. Had I gotten in on this when the price for a single stock was 50 bucks...
  7. Yeah I saw this the other day. I loved his TLJ video, and he's made some other great videos as well (like the benefits to the Wii motion controls). One of the only handful of channels I actually subscribed to. His questioning of if JJ lied about loving the things Johnson did, and wanting to change them back, does also make me question it. I want to take JJ at his word and think he just made the wrong choices to continue them, but then again it still does seem like he wanted to find a way to get Rey's lineage back to how he envisioned it.
  8. I'm surprised that Trump hadn't made any appearances on Fox News or Newsmax, or whoever he likes now. You'd think Hannity would try and get him on his show to suck up to him. Could be he's refusing any interviews and wallowing alone in his room at Mar-a-Lago.
  9. I would also group snake owners with the spider owners. I have never met or seen someone who owns something like a boa and been normal.
  10. Can we please stop using this term as an insult, and whatever this is supposed to be here. As someone whose girlfriend is a behavioural therapist for autistic children, and have some autistic friends myself, I find it very offensive.
  11. I feel like I'm missing out on a bunch of money by not getting in on this, but I would have no idea what to do. I JUST WANT MONEY, DAMNIT!!
  12. Should I honestly get in on this? How does a lowly Canadian who knows nothing about stocks get in on this?
  13. Have you never seen that online before?
  14. I remember seeing a video in cooking class back in high school where the guy covered the entire turkey with salt, like completely covered in a coat of salt. We were all like, "OMG eww that will be too salty", then I guess cooked it, and then cracked open the salt shell and took it off. Us students, "oooohhhh".
  15. I had to look up what spatchcock is lol
  16. OK maybe a little late with this since Christmas was a month ago (and American Thanksgiving a month before that), but I was reminded of it since I always see Black people making fun of White people for not knowing how to season their food, especially their holiday turkeys which turn out dry and bland. Both my brother and sister don't like turkey, and it got me thinking that maybe it's how my mom seasons it at Christmas. So now I'm wondering if you guys know any good ways to season your turkeys so I can try it out next year. Feel free to also leave other good seasoning suggestions for us tasteless White people
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