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Everything posted by best3444

  1. Is anyone here actually playing this game? Only one I know of is Lucian and he's a fanboy. Is it really as bad as they say it is?
  2. For those thst beat this. Worth a play through? I bought it at launch but got severely distracted.
  3. Obviously didn't read your spoilers. I'm about to start this game up. How was it?
  4. What makes the Witcher 3 more successful to games like Assassin's Creed Orgins and Oddessy? Games clearly influence by the Witcher 3 but in your opinion don't match up? Imo, Oddessy is a better game than the Witcher 3. More open in scale and better combat to start.
  5. I was immediately blown away then I realized there really isn't full games to play. Just tech demos. I hear Astro Bot is geat, though.
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