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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Mexicali, she’s a great cook, and I’ve been working from home the whole time. I’ve been pretty fortunate during all of this, but I’m thinking of those I know who haven’t been so lucky.
  2. Right, it would be nice if we had a competent government that could tell us hey don't worry we already have universal health insurance, and we'll pay employers/you while you stay home until this all over so we can all get back to "normal" as soon as safely possible. But we don't, instead you have $1200 to last you 3 months and your health insurance gone if you just lost your job. You better hope staying at home will prevent you from getting Covid 19, because you're gonna be super fucked if you get it now. We're all still fucked if we have to lockdown until we have no new cases and testing everywhere. Honestly we're fucked either way, so you should at least be able to enjoy your shitty Chili's. Every single story I've seen of a business opening up is that they were completely slammed. So it's not like we're going to re-open and everyone will stay inside and do nothing. Shit @sblfilms is about to make more money renting out his parking lot than he does with his theater because people want anything to do right now.
  3. I don't think you're getting the point. There seems to be no middle ground in the debate. It's either we're all on indefinite lockdown until you're area doesn't report a new case for a week or something, or its all let's ride the Matahorn at Disneyland tomorrow. Instead, maybe I don't know fucking Iowa can re-open with restrictions like keep the kids home from school, no large gatherings, encourage those who can work from home to stay working from home. I don't see any credible data that millions of people will die if rural states have a limited re-opening. At some point you have weigh the risk versus the rewards. Remember, the lockdown isn't free of consequences. The global economy being completely demolished. So how much do you let that continue to save lives?
  4. Hey do you have the problem when you order out and they leave the food at your door they don't even ring the damn door bell or knock to let you know they dropped it off? Only one guy had the sense to courtesy knock after leaving the food at the door so I know it's here. Fortunately the apps are good at telling you when you're shit is gonna arrive so it's only a slight delay but still, it would be nice to let me know it's here.
  5. I'm surprised you aren't out protesting so you can get back to your third wave coffee joints and that amazing Persian place around the corner. In most areas people can go to the hair salon or Best Buy or Chili's or whatever the fuck else they need to do without there being a massive spike in deaths.
  6. You got me, we'll just all hide in our houses for the rest of the year while hoping our great government will come through and take care of us. Just as a thought experiment, what if I state re-opened, and everyone didn't die?
  7. i saw something earlier that locking everyone down isn't really the best method, and that the most effective parts of the lockdown have been sending the kids home from school, banning large gatherings, and then doing whatever you can in nursing homes to spare those people. Basically preventing you from going best Buy and then going to Chili's isn't making a big impact. I Definitely think there is room for some middle ground here and should work to re-opening with sensible restrictions. Like packing in Disneyland and sporting events and concerts and what not is still out for the time being, and continue to encourage those who can work from home to do so. But let people get back to Applebees with reduced capacity probably isn't going to kill us all.
  8. Guess it worked out I never got around to playing these. Are all 3 being remade or just the first one?
  9. I can't wait to see exciting new innovations in microtransactions and special editions for their games. On the real I'm a sucker that will buy Far Cry 6 day 1 if they announce it.
  10. I was just wondering if he was still alive Not that long ago. Rip in peace
  11. I just took a big messy shit a little bit ago. But at least my tummy feels better now.
  12. My poop yesterday was very disappointing. 2/10 at best. Hopefully today's is better.
  13. It does seem like every time MS does some games blowout it's mostly AA fodder where a couple look interesting and the rest is meh. While it's fine they support these games, it doesn't really dispel the "Xbox has no games" stuff. It's getting to the point where they say hey we're going to do a games blowout next week and instead of being excited I"m going to think it's another 30 AA games.
  14. My cats just start surrounding me as soon as the sun rises and at the first sign of any real movement get all up in my face to wake me up so I can feed them.
  15. Been all into Red Dead Redemption 2 this week, haven't touched anything else since I restarted it.
  16. Walmart has been open the whole time doe. Sure was nice of this virus to just officially crush the remaining opposition to Amazon and Walmart. Just wait until Amazon buys Walmart, then we're really fucked.
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