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Everything posted by Xbob42

  1. I can't wait! Seems like what I wanted out of Stray, which in the end wasn't about being a cat at all.
  2. Wonder how my stats would look to this data. Brand new AAA single player game one week, 25 year old JRPG the next, then a 24 year old online RPG followed by it's 3-12 year old sequel (depending on how you look at it) followed by a hardcore survival horror RPG maker game, a fairly new procgen indie detective game, a 7 year old imsim, and 350 separate hentai games.
  3. Probably just thought he was getting a little morning head, those women can be toothy AM I RIGHT FELLAS
  4. And they think it's worth $50! I wouldn't take it if they paid ME $50! Someone might see it in my library!
  5. I deleted the line where I said that anyone who likes this game should probably be on a terrorist watch list, which in hindsight was a mistake. They should definitely be on that list.
  6. Not to any great extent, no. And if they're anything like this I'd rather take up stamp collecting than ever play another game this bad.
  7. I tried the demo for this and it was probably the worst gaming experience I've ever had. A completely and utterly incomprehensible "narrative," literal clipart for world map stuff, voice acting so abysmal it'd make Chaos Wars jealous, combat that's super zoomed in so you can never actually read what's going on, even when attacking enemies. Just a total clusterfuck of garbage on every level, with a godawful mobile UI to boot. What a huge piece of shit. Every single one of these fucking Youtube videos has 10 times the polish and total budget of the game itself. The fucking thumbnails have more effort than the entirety of the plot.
  8. Haven't had a chance to really get into it yet. Currently playing this crazy indie horror-ish game, Withering Rooms, which is bizarre and fun as hell.
  9. The small team was probably exploring new career ideas as they were laid off.
  10. I think part of the issue is that people aren't actually trained (or not trained effectively) in how to be productive while working remotely. Learning some best practices for setting up a proper work space in your home (Or Starbucks or whatever, I dunno where you fuckin hippies work) can help a lot, as well as minimizing family distractions. You're always gonna have some people in unstable situations at their homes for whatever reason, but I don't think the solution is a big expensive office building to force everyone to be miserable so the few weirdos who "like" going into an office are happy. Perhaps a better solution would be a company laptop and getting your ass to a quiet place like a library or the park or working in your parked car like a creepy weirdo.
  11. I don't think Grubb gives a shit about early access to FUT 2025. Also, anyone who does this kind of reporting just gets their copies of games (which is pretty much the only "retaliation" any publisher can realistically enact) from someone else in the industry.
  12. It's a rumor about an unreleased video game, not a fucking war secret.
  13. Uh... Youtube?? I don't think I've ever used or even been made aware of Dicsord being used for guides or tutorials. "General information" is basically on any platform though.
  14. I dunno, Game Pass seems to have done alright, as has moving their games to more platforms. Dude's only been in charge for a single console launch. Hard for me to look at their "main" competition in Sony and think any better. They've gutted their most creative teams and most of their AAA releases are third-person Sony sludge that all feel very samey. Only big boy out there still trying new and interesting shit is Nintendo, and we all know neither company would dare copy Nintendo on any more than a superficial, corporate "I don't really understand why this is successful but it looks similar" level. This is all from my personal perspective of what I want to play and actually care about. Don't give two shits about what is successful in terms of business, that ain't my problem. But yes, in general, our bizarre stock-market-centric world is very antithetical to creative endeavors, or doing anything but seeking growth for all eternity, at the cost of literally anything else.
  15. It's even more amazing that none of these people are aware that it's the same arrow as seen in the first game in all but name!
  16. It's not that motion blur at 30 FPS is "good," it's that it's "necessary," or else the game appears juddery and shitty and there's no sense of movement over time, just weird interstitial frames (or... lack of interstitial frames, I guess?) that can become very difficult to follow during fast action. Rebirth without motion blur looked absolutely abysmal at 30 FPS. But it's a little more complicated than "motion blur on or off," a "good" motion blur at 30 is something you're not even likely to notice, because it's very minor. It's something you only notice when it's missing. Not to be confused with exaggerated motion blur that is usually a toggle. The kind that makes you feel sick or like you can't see anything. Every movie you've ever watched has had motion blur in every single scene and no one complains because it's not a bad thing on its own. Of course, it's even more complicated than that, since this still relies on consistent frames to give the perception of fluid motion, so with randomly fluctuating frame rates plus wild frame times, it ain't gonna be a huge help. It's when you've got a "smooth" and consistent 30 FPS that it can really serve its role of making up for dev's mistakes of making a 30 FPS game.
  17. I still play and really enjoy GW2, it has the best open world content of any MMO and it's not even close. That said, I'd be very down for a Guild Wars 3. They were clearly trying to move on to something new as GW2 was dying down, it internally failed, and they sort of had to reinvigorate themselves to work on more expansions. They've been doing real good but I imagine you really need a new project to keep the passion up.
  18. Hey it looks like you can do a lot more than basic attacks in this! Very nice! Looking forward to it. Trials of Mana, on the other hand... It had a bunch of active ability slots, but hours into the game I had like 2, and they were like weird conditional use things, I think? I just remember the vast majority of the game being this basic ass combo shit. Did that ever change? I really wanted to play more but the repetitive simplistic combat bummed me the hell out, and no one ever talks about that game.
  19. Yes that is exactly what it is. Just like the first game! Except this time the world and characters don't suck as much, and that's most of what I needed. The other thing I wanted was actual co-op, maybe mods.
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