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Everything posted by Xbob42

  1. I'd love it if the 3DS port came to something else. The enhanced visuals are relatively subtle from a distance, but are actually pretty massive. Would be a good fit for the Switch at a higher res.
  2. Here's my artist's rendition of the future of SFV.
  3. They randomly sent me a $5 gift card code in my email yesterday. Actual store $5, not just a discount. So now I've got a balance of $5 in case I want to buy Sea of Thieves or whatever.
  4. Yet. There's a reason you get a bonus for turning them on. They're getting players used to them.
  5. Isn't the Carlton just swinging your arms back and forth and jigglin' your head while hunched over? That strikes me as a single move, two, tops. Unless I somehow missed the rest of the dance after all these years.
  6. I'm conducting some top-tier research at the moment, here's what I've found in the last 2 minutes: https://www.westword.com/music/beyonce-accused-of-plagiarism-for-a-dance-number-wait-can-you-copyright-dance-moves-5676818 Then it gets more complicated. Based on that, I would assume the Carlton is more of a simple jig or a part of a dance rather than a dance (or choreography) unto itself. I'd imagine this won't get very far, but that's just a guess based on a Westword article.
  7. Aside from the very top games, those numbers actually seem kind of underwhelming?
  8. When you just feel like being an edgy cunt for no reason! Oh man, people who followed others for nearly a decade have that regular source of entertainment and by extension comfort removed feel "sad," what is this sad emotion, and why do these people feel it? Good god, man. If you don't care, then commit to not fucking caring. No one thinks you're cool for not getting it.
  9. People play Smash like it's a fucking joke with ads on the characters??
  10. "This project actually has limitations the developers understood and took into account while making the game instead of being a bloated fuckfest of pointless side activities, watch out!"
  11. Of course "SJWs" are "taking over," it's a lot easier to sell "hey these are people too" and "don't be a douche" than it is to sell "money is moral" and a title with 6 parentheses, "maybe guns are great after all" (as a message rather than as a mechanic, obviously there's plenty of gun porn in games), or truck nuts. At least when it comes to games.
  12. It also comes down to the amount of mobility. The Division is a realistic-ish cover shooter, so you're always grounded and moving slowly, thus aim isn't too huge of a factor unless you're that one streamer... The higher the mobility (and the slower the projectiles, if that's a factor) the higher the skill ceiling and the less relevant builds are. I do hope the game has a lot of slower projectile weapons, with some hitscan-ish stuff as an alternative for folks who don't like slower projectiles. Landing a slow ass rocket on some dude a hundred yards away is always a great feeling.
  13. Unless the balance is absolutely busted, a "build" means a lot less in a shooter because in theory your ability to actually avoid damage and hit shit is a far bigger factor than whatever skills you picked. Taking the ability with the most DPS won't mean much when you're the dipshit firing it into a wall. Obviously it'll still play a factor, but shooters tend to be a nice middle-ground between MMOs and fighting games, where an MMO is hugely about builds, and a fighting game is dramatically more skill-based but all the characters play differently so finding the "broken" one is viable, whereas a shooter I expect the "character" choice to be pretty slim and the ability choices to not be terribly influential on actually affecting gameplay.
  14. Fuck it! The Xbob store will be going for a 105/-5 split! We're already bankrupt!
  15. Unifi gear? You were trying to play this over Wifi?? C'mon, boys, they're trying to get this shit playable over a wired connection first, Wifi still sucks ass in general for anything that isn't basic web browsing or some simply video watching.
  16. Ah, keeping all the bugs and issues hush-hush, and not allowing users to voice their distaste. Of course developers wouldn't want that. Just a nice simple store page with as little information to turn potential customers away as possible. I'm sure this will go amazingly well!
  17. Seems like a bad idea on the part of the person doing it... imagine getting charged with an individual terrorist threat for each email you sent out!
  18. I mean, kind of by definition the list of "most popular porn searches" would be the least imaginative, right?
  19. This is gonna be a lot longer and more rambling than I had planned, oh well. I still remember the exact moment I first saw a screenshot for it, the exact moment I saw a tiny video for it (on IGN64.com I think?) and the exact moment I first got to play it, which was me and my uncle going to one of his friend's houses (I to this day have no idea who it was) and he was playing it, and the second he left the room for something I picked up the controller without permission just to try it out, because I had to, for the most bizarre of reasons. I had wondered how the bushes were going to look in 3D. I don't know why, but at the time I was obsessed with knowing how the bushes would look in 3D, probably from Mario 64, where they all kind of turned to face you, which I knew wouldn't work well with Zelda. Still not quite sure why I was THAT obsessed over it, but 3D was still relatively new so it was easy to latch on to weird little details like that! The funny thing is, I think that was the day the game came out, so he was in the start of Kokiri Forest, and in the minute or so he was gone I had grabbed the starting sword from the chest and was playing around cutting signs, I remember him coming back and being like "Oh" and I was like "Oh, sorry," and my uncle finding it hilarious for some reason. Anyway, while I really enjoyed Breath of the Wild, I feel like no other Zelda title has really matched the atmosphere and mood of Ocarina of Time. I guess maybe Majora's Mask, but that felt like a weird fake copy-paste game at the time and I never got over that. As someone whose family was generally pretty low on disposable income (hence me playing it at some random dude's house for a few minutes instead of playing it myself on launch day) the idea of paying full price for a game that was full of identical assets seemed incomprehensible and borderline offensive! But back to the atmosphere, I don't know if it was the N64 fog, the newness of 3D or what, but I don't think it's just nostalgia. When I play Ocarina of Time, "melancholy" from that article is a pretty good word for the atmosphere. There's just a mood to it that I haven't really taken much time to think about over the years, but I think Kokiri Forest and the Lost Woods nail what appeals to me in the game perfectly. Of course, more than any other Zelda, I think the music is a big reason for the atmosphere landing so hard for me and most others who love it. The game is just jam-packed with legendary tunes that set the stage absolutely perfectly for each and every area. It felt like the Zelda title some people on staff always wanted and needed to make, and like Mario 64 before it, I think they absolutely nailed it. Obviously not every single person loves it, but damn, it is utterly seared into my mind, every second of it. And it's not like it was my first Zelda, I had played all of them before it and loved them, which is why I was looking forward to it so deeply, and it still blew me out of the water. It was probably the first game that I played that felt like a true adventure, in the sense of both it being long, fun and full of items, but also not just a happy-go-lucky jog through the park. To an 11-year-old, the slightly more serious take on the series made the world feel more dangerous and interesting, which is why I think a lot of people had a harsh reaction to Wind Waker's reveal. While in retrospect a lot of those folks have come around, I truly think Wind Waker failed to rekindle that feeling for me. It was pretty, and it was fun, and being one of the few people on the planet to enjoy the sailing (the visuals, the swelling music, the seagulls flying alongside your boat) at time of launch, I didn't hate it or anything, but I don't consider it some masterpiece. It was easy to the point of being boring, and them going the opposite way for Twilight Princess showed me they really weren't all that passionate about it, they were just trying to figure out what they nailed with OoT, and while it felt vaguely similar, it again was no masterpiece. Breath of the Wild did not bring this feeling back for me, but it did rekindle the feeling of adventure and not knowing what to expect (for a time, at least) and not knowing the limits of the world (which we still do not!) which made it great in its own right, if not quite as amazing as it could've been, and why I have fairly high hopes for a sort of sequel game, maybe like how Majora's Mask was a quick sequel to OoT. I'm less picky about reused assets if they're used cleverly, which I think most agree they were in MM, despite my young protests. I haven't thought about it long enough to quite put into words exactly why the atmosphere of OoT is so perfect for me personally, but it is, it feels "cozy" in that the world feels tightly designed, but also expansive. It feels like a troubled place, but not hopeless. And every single section is, as I said, elevated far above what it should be by its music. It's not a perfect game, and while it has aged fairly well given the generation it was in, it does not quite hold up for everyone, but it's one of the few games or pieces of media that is never too far from my mind.
  20. RDR2 had some pretty good world interaction, but had the alternate problem of them spending so long making horse nuts that they forgot no one likes 11 frames of input lag just to start a slow saunter.
  21. Attention to details like interacting with the world are things no one cares about anymore. Horizon Zero Dawn felt like your character was basically on an overlay laid on top of the world and everyone thought it was the most amazing looking game ever... despite the fact that you had almost zero influence on anything. I personally hate worlds that go to great lengths to get texture and shadow details but can't be bothered to have water move or splash when you move in it, or you shoot arrows into the water and they act like it's not there, or an explosion goes off and nothing is moved by it at all except for enemies. It's this shallow level of detail that people should call out, but rarely do. Because hey the sunsets look good so that's what matters!
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