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Everything posted by Moa

  1. Jacob Geller continues to cement himself as a TITAN of the gaming video essay industry.
  2. Nigma's gonna have to do it the hard way.
  3. Speculation is that they're going to have a Hunt/Tarkov-esque game mode rather than a battle royale, which sounds exciting to me as a fan of both of those games. I do think that format is the way forward for the broader BR genre.
  4. They generally make pretty sweet trailers for BF games, but with the exception of them making jumping out of your plane to shoot a rocket canon this trailer was pretty uninspiring.
  5. The whole thing is probably a bummer for the people involved but as a GB fan it basically feels like they shuffled the core of GB east and west around and got Dan back involved. It certainly feels like a win.
  6. It is easier to pwn noobs when stooped forward like a gremlin. I assume that anyone who plays games laying down is a total n00b.
  7. Every time I see a new post in this thread I think I'm finally getting the Joseph Anderson Witcher 3 video.
  8. It's honestly been a while since I've consumed too much of their stuff, but man am I sad to see GB basically dissolve. They are pretty irreplaceable, but they also had a hell of a run in such a rough industry.
  9. This one also has relatively little to do with gaming, although it did sell me Manifold Garden, but I'm starting to get pissed at this guy for constantly talking around House of Leaves, going so far as to have it be the only identifiable book in this video without actually talking about it in either this video or the Fear of Depths video. Maybe he'll get to it in the Haunted House Control video I have yet to watch, since it would also be an appropriate reference there. His beard is also disturbingly dense. EDIT: He got to House of Leaves in the haunted houses videos, thank fuck.
  10. This video is only tangentially related to games but was pretty great nonetheless.
  11. I particularly liked the end of the video. I only played the most recent of the newer Wolfenstein games, but it did strike me as odd that despite being a game about minorities killing nazis there is very little acknowledgement that BJ is Jewish. I wish the essayist had tried to offer some insight into why the game might have been made this way, since I found it confusing while playing the game and am even more baffled after watching the video.
  12. Looks pretty cool, although I might wait until they get to the fourth installment in the series since I loved The Day After Tomorrow. It looked less like bullet sponge zombies than a presenter who couldn't hit the broadside of a barn.
  13. I assumed the title was exaggerating, I can't believe they finally gave gamers an N-word toggle.
  14. Idk what possessed me to turn the difficulty up to nightmare for the DLCs. Each fight takes me so long to clear my hands hurt.
  15. Nothing wrong with EGS, without Fortnight money these games and many others would've never made it to PC.
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