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Everything posted by 69los

  1. I found Waxwork to be highly underrated. Time Bandits and Time After Time were great. Great voice too.
  2. Mandy Rose issues open challenge tomorrow. Poppy live performance ensues. Io returns and squashes Mandy. All is right (better at least) in NXT again.
  3. I mentioned that in my post. Even though last night was kind of must watch, the show was pretty much the same old shit.
  4. It's not a surprise that most of HHH successes in NXT were sabotaged once they got to the main roster. Guys like Dunn have been known to sabotage certain people especially if what Moxley said about him is true. It's also been known that HHH and Dunn don't like one another. This "lack of main roster success" leads to Johnny Ace returning as EVP of Talent Relations in early 2021 and NXT 2.0 in the summer of 2021. The stress of both of those along with his lifestyle may have been a contributing factor HHH's heart attack in September 2021. All of this makes a seemingly logical handoff to HHH less likely. Fast forward to yesterday. News breaks early that HHH is back as EVP of Talent Relations then the bombshell. Vince wouldn't leave before Monday's Raw at MSG and a week before Summerslam unless this was insurmountable. Reports are saying Dunn may be done by the end of the year but changes are likely to be gradual to not upset stakeholders. Hopefully, his name gets dropped in the allegations so we can be rid of him once and for all. As far as Brock goes, I wouldn't be surprised if he did leave but eventually came back like he did at the end of the show after getting paid extra or if Vince called him to fulfill his obligation. If he does show at Summerslam, I expect him to lose and fuck off for a long while. WWE will finally be forced to build up others since Roman is likely to be a part-timer in the near future. Unfortunately, I don't see NXT returning to Black & Gold since that's basically what AEW is now.
  5. AA can be pretty purple depending on the candidate. They voted Hogan both times but I don't think they'll go full MAGA. I can see some in Ft. Washington being red since there's money in that area but they're overwhelmed by the rest of PG County. We're deep blue. Pretty much all the populous areas up and down I-95 will keep the state blue in any presidential election. Any governor coming from their side would have to be some kind of centrist to get anything passed through our legislature. Most of the chuds would be found in western MD and the Eastern Shore.
  6. I voted for Moore. A friend of mine is on his campaign so I'd like her to keep her job. Also, lol no to Perez and, "shockingly", the old, career white guy, Franchot, is only winning western MD and the Eastern Shore. Moore is cleaning up all the major counties/city except Montgomery.
  7. One of the few credits I'll give Rob is that he employs a lot of nostalgic favorites that probably would only be getting a paycheck through horror/comic cons. But then we get his wife to balance it.
  8. She's still going to be blind though, right? Poor girl was put through the ringer this season.
  9. Season finale - JBB said he was feeling patriotic Movie #1 Movie #2 And obviously...
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