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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. I read this as "just a quick note" while y'all are busy watching Xbox fans freak out, we're pretty much doing the same thing as them, thanks, K, bye!
  2. The right is going to demonize anyone that isn't Trump, the content is hardly relevant. I appreciate the message Jon/The Daily Show put forward and I agree.
  3. You did little for my dietary requirements, but much for my comfort through the years sir, and so I salute you!
  4. Yes, this is how I remember my time with the game. I was constantly thinking "Yes, this is all very important I'm sure, but uh, game play when?"
  5. That is a terrible abuse of an existing architecture!
  6. My impression from everything I've read is that performance delta is on a game by game basis and can be as much as 50%.
  7. This is my exact journey, but I bailed at around the 4 hour mark. I just couldn't take another screen of high school life text, it was killing my metaphorical soul! so you are saying I just need to suffer for a bit and all will be revealed? Persona 5: It gets better!
  8. cheating one's way to success is what Microsoft was founded on! If anything, its 100% on Message!
  9. Marketing in an established company: Is there a problem? No. No problem? Then no product! BUT THEN NO MONIES! Wait! There is a problem! Oh, what? Whatever you can imagine... PRODUCT TIME!!!!
  10. Not out of the question, but unlikely. Then again this is Nintendo, so they don't care if some of their games FPS dip into the 20s.
  11. My guess would be we will see the switch successor (assuming it is indeed essentially the same form factor) be portable at 1080P and 1440P while docked. 4K is unlikely.
  12. Its up on Steam now, they much have launched early. I just played through the intro that get you to New Eden. I'm saving this for the weekend, but I'm now looking forward to playing it, where as I was just curious before playing. My wife was very much engaged as well, which is always nice when I'm taking up the main screen in the living room in the evening!
  13. Sorry, I just played it and I love the atmosphere, the music, the characters, and the game play (so far) leaves nothing to complain about!
  14. Oh, I'm sure they spent the weekend debating which day of the week seemed least "reactive" and conveys an air of intent. That day, fair citizens of videogame land, is apparently THURSDAY!
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