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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Maybe if you did the christian thing and loved thy neighbor or whatever, maybe they wouldn't hate you.
  2. As someone who is known for anime, no. An anime board is not needed.
  3. That's good news for the rest of the cast. Although, do the rest of the kids even have the name Conner anymore? I thought they all got married. I guess the DJ would still be a Conner.
  4. I mean like the actual game world part before shit goes real. You just do everything with your mind. No need have a larger space to move around in.
  5. I don't get what you are saying? Edit: Like until VR is better and less effortless than playing normally, I have no interest in it. I don't get your post.
  6. Really good example of why the Japanese aren't having kids and the Americans are stealing their women.
  7. TB needs to not be dead for a little bit and do his summer sale stuff
  8. Yeah I need an actual list, not what I am being shown.
  9. No. 1. Theme 2. Other Minor Things
  10. You can't say bad things about Ford in WV. Pretty sure it is the law.
  11. AMC is one of two theaters in town. The other is Regal. So, this would be a very good deal for people in my area... maybe. Day time tickets are like 5.50
  12. I don't. White vehicles are shit and if you own one by choice you should feel bad.
  13. No, I just feel it fits better despite the rest being named after consoles.
  14. Don't know what it is but you can probably find it here: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=947&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=StQrW77MCqzl5gLJlbfAAg&q=billy+dee+williams+colt+45&oq=Billy+Dee+Williams+colt+&gs_l=img.3.0.0l10.1114.1964.0.3198.
  15. It is good, but it is had to say no to Kelly from accounting when she is constantly miming a bj when you walk by.
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