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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Does Leon still start in fucking swat gear? I mean, I want him to still wear it, but he should swap to it.
  2. Prime is still good if you buy a lot of shit off of Amazon. Shiping costs are fucking out of control.
  3. I forgot about the part 2 crap at first so I almost thought it was all going to be wrapped up in one movie.
  4. From McD's. Sure. Anywhere else, no. I am not going to pay $10 for a fucking burger from a fancy burger place. Cuz beef ain't gonna stop tasting like beef. I have had one $10 burger in my entire life and it was just a fucking burger. I got it at a place called burgatory. It was just a burger. I am just glad I wasn't the one paying. EDIT: and I have had burgers at a cookout, but the cook never puts shit on the burger. The cook just gills them and you put on the condiments.
  5. I have never ordered anything that comes normally with mayo
  6. I just haven't? I have never eaten a raw tomato either.
  7. Corsair K70 RGB with brown switches. I don't really care about the RGB but the non-RGB had red lights and I don't like red lights. EDIT: Also, all keyboards I will ever own will have media controls. Literally no excuse to not have them.
  8. Only spicy nuggies go in ranch. Edit: I don't usually eat spicy niggies, but spicy tendies
  9. Never had mayo and never plan to try it. I like ketchup. It is the only condiment that goes on my burgers and dogs, and dip my fires and nuggies into. Well, I sometimes swap ketchup with BBQ sauce, but whatever.
  10. Yeah, I was gonna post about it but I went to the store. Like, FFXIV is the same way right? And there are plenty of ways to get to zones with mailboxes and an AH. I mean, there are three fucking hearthstones now, and if you are a mage... Yeah, the zones are pretty great. I have had warmode on most of the time as well. I usually don't world pvp but I'll take that 10%. I got killed for the first time in warmode and I stalked the guy and his buddy for 20 min while they were doing WQ and waited until a group of alliance players came so we could gang up on the two.
  11. you can tho, or maybe it is an add-on. Add-on's are a must
  12. the boost? Won't get the armor that way either. You have to level from 20-110 to get the armor. Also, you can't buy a race chance to an allied race unless you have it unlocked. So you still have to do the rep grind
  13. You won't get the cool armor tho
  14. Yeah. My rogue is 120. Scaling sucks at fresh 120. Everything hits too hard. I could easily solo the 3-man quests but at 120 I can't solo that shit at all. Almost feel like leveling my warrior and playing that instead. I also did get a void elf to 110. The rep grind wasn't that bad to unlock them.
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