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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. EW Tank and Healer kits leaked and more(Reddit Link)! PLD GNB DRK WAR SCH SGE(Sage) AST WHM
  2. I mean, the introduction was great. I used to be a KH fan, and that that music with Sora floating about is just literal magic. It makes me want to play KH so badly, specifically the music. IMO, it is one of the best pieces of music in gaming. It almost always gives me cold chills. And there was so much work put into Sora as a fighter. It is like he was ripped right out of the game and put into Smash. I don't think there is a more perfect 3rd party fighter in the game. Some people have already called his move set uninspired but that shit is pure KH and it is great. That said, again, another anime swordsman when there are actual Nintendo characters that people want in the game. And while I am sure working with Disney is a pain, damn shame Sora's Final Smash didn't make use of the Red Trinity Smash with Donald and Goofy.
  3. "Games made to nickel and dime you made more than games that don't." Push MTX as hard as mobile games do and I'm sure you'd see a major increase. Games like WoW already make more off WoW tokens and store mounts than they do subs. Then, more people own phones than own consoles or PCs. 1 out of 5 people in my family(parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles) own consoles. 5 out of 5 own a smartphone.
  4. Why would I hate Keyser? I just said curse you cuz he said to read the past few pages of this thread to Chris. So I read them and I blamed him for putting this evil on me. We even had a baby together. Bacon_Soze was its name. Dyed when it was just a kid.
  5. I don't care if it is trolling or not. I'd be banning some fuckers if I was in charge.
  6. There might be a user or two who I think should need to PM Wade proof of getting VAXXED to continue posting.
  7. Probably because you don't have a life. It's ok, I don't have one either.
  8. This is my favorite Christmas movie and it will never be topped.
  9. Seinfeld? More like: IWasTooYoungWhenItCameOutSoINeverWatchedItAndThatMakesItTrashfeld
  10. That doesn't look too bad. But while I wouldn't mind having something to play on my phone I am sure there will be some shit like you have limited Battle Points per day and have to buy more. If I could just play it like a Normal RPG that'd be great.
  11. I had the worst cold of my life in July/August. First cold since I got Covid. Sipping DayQuil like it was estus for days. Didn't do shit. It was worse than the actual covid since covid had me sleeping 12 hours or more a day. But this cold made sleeping a pain in the ass and being awake was even worse.
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