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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Not a fan of religion, but I hate seeing art destroyed for almost any reason. I'm not even an art guy. I just see it as a piece of history forever gone.
  2. One other thing. While Jimmy was never that good of a guy seeing as he was a con artist back in the day, the actions of others didn't really help. Like, the actions of other were basically pushing Jimmy to act like his old self. Maybe, just maybe, Jimmy could have just remained a regular ol' lawyer who was unorthodox but go results. Of course, that really isn't an excuse to break the law and such but yeah. But what I really don't get is why Howard was treated so badly. Sure, he as lawyer with every negative trait of a car salesman and he did put Kim in the shit for no real good reason, but he really didn't deserve all the shit and hate he got, at least from what was shown in the show.
  3. Do you mean what I don't like about it? 1. I worry with a ship being fully open to explore it will be needlessly big. I predict the game will have new shitty side quests that I could ignore, but I won't because I literally can't just not do a side quest. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some degree of constantly respawning enemies. Clearing out a zone for good feels good. 2. I like the level/chapter based design. I am tried of games going open world for no damn reason. I like not being able to go back, because it makes going back to the start of the game special when you finally loop back around. Dead Space did that. Like, I really am just tired of everything having to be bigger and some kind of open world. I fuckin' love levels. I miss levels. I feel like haven't played a game with levels in years. Yeah, I know indie games have them but I don't give two fucks about some pixel side scrolling nonsense. I like not having to explore entire worlds. I like the feeling of progression that comes with advancing to the next stage of a video game. IIRC, there was one upgrade item I had no idea how to get in Dead Space and I ended up advancing to the next chapter without. Maybe it sucks to miss it, but you can bet I got it on my second playthru. I'm not saying open world games are bad, but I'm tired of games I like suddenly going open world. It is almost never for the better IMO. It does kill interest. It is one of the reasons I'll never replay Elden Ring. And you know, maybe it won't be that bad in the Dead Space Remake. I have no real way of knowing at this point. I mean, it can't really be open world, it is a space ship. But boy do I hate hearing how another game I really liked is going to be more open.
  4. I can only hope. I don't expect Geralt, however he is the only character I would play unless it was a custom character. And while he is the only character I would play, I don't want another game with Geralt. I don't want another game with him ever in it. I can only see negative outcomes for a character I got a happy ending for. I am... fine with the combat in those games, especially TW3, but it will never be something I really like. Throw in the dark souls base mechanics and add some witcher signs into the mix and I'd be havin' a good time. Make it so not everything can be dodge rolled and then you need to quen that shit. Giga parry with Aard. Igni for whatever. Axii would be great for clearing out trash mob areas like they had in Elden Ring, or maybe that could be like a way to take summons into a boss fight. I think Yrden would be great for stopping a rush attack from a boss. What comes to mind is the gaping dragon in DS1. You could stop it from charging. Oh and you could then use Axii on the Channeler enemy instead of just killing it before entering the boss room. I'd love to play a souls game with these base abilities.
  5. I'll need to see real game footage, but something about the atmosphere seemed less spooky. Edit: saw post saying the ship will be fully explorable. You can backtrack and such. Welp, that kills the remake for me for the most part
  6. For CP77 I still want them to make the montage DLC before anything else. That will save the game. I can only see future witcher titles ruining a pretty much perfecting ending and I don't look forward to them being made. I hope their new IP is a souls-clone. I think they could make a really good one.
  7. Can wait for all of these sites to have a shitty video playing at all times that follows you even when you scroll down the page.
  8. Why I don’t really care for Better Call Saul (all personal reasons) - Prequels are a hard sell for me - I hate multiple PoV for the most part and prefer a focus on 1 or 2 characters - It is something that can’t be helped, but the rapid aging of the characters bothered me and is made worse because it is a prequel - I did not care for the ending at all - Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. - I had a harder time understanding why the characters did what they did - I don’t like black and white nor do I get why it was done - I felt like the characters were practically self-sabotaging themselves, like that show Shameless, and I despise Shameless. Another major thing is that this wasn’t Breaking Bad: Origins. I don’t know many times I kept calling BCS, Breaking Bad, and that is because that is what I wanted. This show may have a bunch of Breaking Bad characters but this show is not Breaking Bad at all I kept waiting for like a Breaking Bad moment but it never really happened. And ultimately, I can’t enjoy characters like Jimmy. The weasel, the rat, the cockroach, Slippin’ Jimmy. I can’t enjoy these characters I never have and I never will even when the show is objectively good. Better Call Saul just isn’t a show for me. It is a good show, and there are parts and characters I like, but overall, I was mostly bored. If it wasn’t for the fact this was a prequel to Breaking Bad I would have never watched this. --- Now I had that pre-written out but I have a bit more to add. I feel like a lot of the themes of the show went over my head whereas they didn't in BB. Like I have no clue why the last episodes were in black and white. I don't understand the reason, but even if I did, I'd still prefer it in color. And I don't really get the chanting on bus. At least I think I don't. The only thing that makes sense to me is that while Saul tried going back to Jimmy, it was too late? Sure, he might finally might be Jimmy in his mind now, but he is Saul to the world. Jimmy only exists for him and Kim. And I do not like endings where the character just goes to jail. Or rather, where the character only exists to exist at the ending. He is basically dead. There is something to be said about how Jimmy is always avoiding jail only for him to place himself in jail for life. For me, the best ending would have him getting out of Jail in the 7 years. I am not sure if he should have remained Saul for found a way to return to Jimmy. But Walt died. Jesse escaped. I think Saul should have made it to the end, the ultimate cockroach.
  9. Windows 11 seems weird and like it is another Windows 8 so I haven't upgraded yet. My PC is also old, 2016, and probably won't upgrade it due to the age.
  10. The reason why I thing I'll be willing to remain friends is because we were friends for this long. Like, them cheating on their partner doesn't really change our relationship. I'd want to know why they did it. If the reason was like something like "I just want a little fun, man" I don't think I would remain friends with them. It would be really hard to give up a friend when what they did doesn't really affect you. Cuz like, while their partner might be on good terms with me, I actually doubt I would consider them a friend. I have been in friend groups where I just wasn't friends with some of the people in the group. Sure, they were nice friendly people I was on good terms with but I never hung out with them unless the gang got together.
  11. I would never date a known cheater. I would not be friends with a known cheater unless I had already been friends with them for years at this point. I have never dated anybody so, yeah, but in my mind, there is basically zero reason to ever cheat. You wanna get with someone else? Fine, but break up first. I don't really care about any kind of justifications you had to cheat on your current partner.
  12. I don't know what my spice limit is, but usually the spicier things get the worst they taste to me. And like, if there was a way to achieve the same flavors with some things but remove the heat by 50% or more I would prefer that.
  13. I find BB way more entertaining than BCS. I think that if it wasn't for the show's connection to BB, I wouldn't be watching it on my own. A major part of that is just how I feel overall about prequels, but it also isn't that much of my jam. It is totally a great show, but not as much of my style.
  14. I don't really like seafood. Don't like fish at all.
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