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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. I wonder if the eventual goal is to fold Pixar entirely into Disney Animation?
  2. Good Lord @ that phrasing. There are a number of ways to express the notion that Omicron's overall risk profile represents a "positive" development relative to the previous variants without echoing the anchor's use of the word "encouraging".
  3. Even without the Marian aspect, claims that Christianity of any variety is purely monotheistic should be met with eye-rolls. It's a Hellenistic mystery cult that lifted heavily from Judaism. End of story.
  4. The problem for the Protestants' charge is that the notion that Mary is "co-redemptrix" along with Christ simply isn't actual Catholic doctrine.
  5. "Marian Devotion" is the charge that some Protestants level against Catholics to claim that Catholics aren't "real" Christians.
  6. The entire concept of the trinity -- which Protestants also subscribe to -- is rooted in Hellenism.
  7. One of the aspects of both Judaism and Islam that I really do appreciate is their rejection of the notion that an individual can have a "personal" relationship with God. The idea that a mere mortal can enter into such a relationship with an entity that represents the totality of everything in the universe and who was, is, and forever will be is philosophically ludicrous on the face of it. And don't get me started on the internal laughter that rabbis and imams must have to stifle when someone claims that Christianity is a monotheistic faith in their presence, because it absolutely is not. Christianity is effectively a Hellenistic religion that "borrowed" a bunch of stuff from the Old Testament to give it some type of foundation.
  8. Don't forget the penance! That's still a whole bunch more required to earn forgiveness than the "Protestants" have to do!
  9. I blame the heretical, so-called "Protestant Work Ethic" for the emphasis on "me" over "we".
  10. For the record, I view ALL relationships through my "conditional" lens -- acquaintances, friends, family, romantic partners, etc. All are subject to the same analysis and I draw little-to-no distinction between "beliefs" and "actions" as the belief has the potential to translate into "meaningful" action and that potential is justification enough for me. It's all pretty easy when you view practically everyone as a potential threat that might have to be eliminated someday. For example, when I meet someone new, my first thought is invariably "How difficult would it be for me to kill this person if I had to?"
  11. LA Team That's Not The Rams - $25,000 1. Chargers TD 2. Chargers 3. Colts, Chargers 4. 49ers 5. Packers, Bears, Saints 6. Over 7. Nick Bosa 8. Jonathan Taylor, Cooper Kupp
  12. My approach is simple: the person simply no longer exists to me. I consider practically all of my relationships to be "conditional" (I REALLY consider the notion of "unconditional love" to be complete and utter horseshit), so if a person holds a belief with which I am opposed on a fundamental level, then I have no issue with cutting that person out of my life completely.
  13. She hates it so much that it's actually making her depressed. She badly wants to move to NoVA, but there are some very pressing reasons why she can't do that just yet.
  14. And as a result, they probably got promoted to "Chief Product Development Officer".
  15. Someone actually got paid real money to come up with that abomination.
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