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Everything posted by Wild

  1. The thing is, we can have this and privacy. The audio has to be processed server side because of the low-powered devices which is why the devices are connected, and they do skim aggregate data off the top for testing and tracking, but they don't need to do the latter part. Most of this data is dumped because it's not worth storing. I worked on a project that uses voice recognition from one of the big three, and it wasn't something we needed or wanted to keep. We can create smart laws that prevent micro level data tracking and still allows these devices to work just fine, with opt-in requirements for data storing that are hard capped at 15% of the userbase being asked. That allows the companies to get the quantitative data they need to make improvements while preventing them from making "opt in" essentially a mandatory requirement by locking out features.
  2. Well, again, I'm not trying to focus on what "the internet" thought about these things, but what I think about it. And I think this one looks like a misstep so far. We'll see. It's not like DC has earned a Marvel level benefit of the doubt. Nolan's trilogy looks more like a lucky fluke with every new film they put out. We're not making these judgments in a vacuum.
  3. Well, the internet also called Batman v Superman being shit, and Leto's Joker, so it's kind of a mixed bag on what pans out. But I'm not overly concerned with what others think. For me, I saw what they were going for with Ledger immediately, and it had an intrigue that I had to know more about. This leaves me feeling like I am looking at a remake of Quick Change. I don't feel compelled to know more. But again, maybe the trailer will show something that changes my mind.
  4. What I remember is how much I liked what Ledger looked like, and I was able to immediately see something in it I wanted to know more about. What I see here reminds me more of when I saw Leto's make-up, and the feeling in my stomach that what I originally thought of as great casting was starting to go down a road that I didn't want to follow. I mean, we'll see when we know more and have a trailer to get a better idea of their angle, but I get the shaky reception of this one.
  5. It’s welcome news they are going all fresh. I’m very excited to see what Whitaker can do. She’s a talented performer and should bring some fun wrinkles to the role. It’ll be nice that she can do so without constantly being compared to every male Doctor and how they handled the same monsters.
  6. It also requires me to pick up my phone or awkwardly hover over it to unlock it. My fingers are dry before I use my phone, so that's not an issue. Fingerprint works great, and my face is not something I want to use as an ID.
  7. The way Apple is headed they'll have to pry my SE out of my cold, dead hands. Fingerprint and a headphone jack are critical features for me, and both the notch and the Face ID are permanent deal breakers.
  8. Looks like a solid show, and could be the Buffy for a new generation.
  9. Man, the Coen Bros doing another Western is exciting enough, but doing it closer to the bone of a typical Coen Bros movie is even extra hype worthy.
  10. This would b the greatest fanboy freak out of all time. I hope it happens.
  11. I wondered how his Witcher casting would impact his Superman duties. Guess now we know what he was thinking.
  12. It was definitely going to mine salt from fanboys that made Witcher into their Twilight, but the rest of us should be able to enjoy it just fine.
  13. That's every industry. Movie awards just have famous people at them so we care.
  14. Apparently we're going to have to deal with another fanboy freak out about how "Slavic means white" when Ciri's announcement is cast. They're looking for a minority actress.
  15. I hadn't heard of it until I filled out the FML sheet tonight. But it's tracking around $40mil+.
  16. Right, thats what I am getting at. Need to see more takes on it. Other reviews describe it as his usual brutalness (and actually scaled back a bit). This is the only one I ca find that seems to think it's a "right wing fantasy" and that the main characters are somehow played for heroes.
  17. Yea, I feel like the author has a specific bone with Gibson, and I get how his past kinda makes him deserve it, but Zahler doesn't strike me that way. Maybe he is, I don't know. The article ends with this: Maybe he was trying to make a point about police brutality and show the underbelly of American society, but either missed or the author missed it? I would like to read more impressions.
  18. Yea, but iit's a bit murky on the timing. Those comments were a few weeks ago and he has been in negotiations for months. Could be that his interview statements were gauging fan reactions, or trying to prime the audience with some credibility before the announcement after the previous casting announcement fiasco with the leaked audition tape. I find it hard to believe they cast Geralt after everyone else.
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