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Everything posted by Wild

  1. Yea, I get what you were going for, just not for me. Not sure I really needed a "movie" versus "TV" tag on Entertainment, ya know? I'll see if I can figure out a filter or custom CSS script something. Thanks!
  2. I don't undertsand how it works (and the video doesn't really explain it well). 1. How do we jump into a league that is already running? Doesn't that put everyone else behind? 1. How does scoring actually work? I "buy" a movie, then what? How do I get points?
  3. I know it's personal preference, but I don't like the way they are a distracting blend of colors, and it makes it hard to quickly scan headlines because they are all different lengths. The Entertainmet board also has so many stickies that the actual threads are below the fold, and the prefix tags slow down how quickly I can tell the m apart (the pins are so bland and the variation between sticky thread and regular thread is otherwise unnoticeable.) Is there a way to turn the prefix tags off at the user level or am I going to have to figure out some sort of adblocker filter?
  4. I'm starting a thread early since the boards are slow. The reviews are all positive so far (though there are only 15 counted on RT): https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/g_l_o_w_/s02/
  5. I'm keen to see it, but it probably won't be for a bit. Glad to see it's a good film and not just riding on the goodwill of Mr Rogers.
  6. I like it, but agree that you need a group of people that are actively trying to lie on a regular basis. @Bataar Didn't know there was an expansions. What does it add?
  7. Here is another one: (Just kidding, she looks fantastic.)
  8. I wish there were a different dinosaur franchise than this one at this point. Like, what if dinosaurs never went extinct and we evolved alongside them while also following a similar track of technological development? There are tons of stories you could do with that premise.
  9. Roseanne is already trying to the couch and water bottle apology tour, with the tears and everything. Didn't her agent tell her that you have to lay low for a while before you try to rehab your image?
  10. Guys job is description is literally knowing what to is appropriate to say and when, and he gets fired for using a racial epithet at work. You can't make this shit up.
  11. Social Media impressions are always good. Hollywood has that trick figured out. I am sure the movie is great, but this is nothing but a marketing trick at this point. The studios know exactly which critics to invite that are franchise fans and forgiving of things that other critics will notice.
  12. I had MoviePass before they went with the crazy price drop and the company was absolute hell to deal with. They kept charging my card long after I was supposed to be cancelled. This recent explosion in users going to end in a lot of bad blood and anger when they finally go down.
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