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Everything posted by Wild

  1. lol, man, they are trying desperately hard to course correct from where they started.
  2. I caught this a couple nights ago and it's pretty awesome. It knows what it is, gives you a main character you want to see die, then turns her into someone you want to see live without blatantly stealing from Groundhog Day (at least that part). It's very, very funny at times, akin to something like Tucker and Dale vs Evil. It's a fun watch if you're looking for something to liven up a night of otherwise serious horror films. A sequel is coming, but the trailer isn't online yet (it's playing before Halloween).
  3. Bad Times at the El Royale has some problems, but overall I enjoyed it. Some interesting direction with a noir feel, although it cooked a little too slow at times. Well cast. Jon Hamm's southern salesman is pretty brilliant.
  4. Netflix has total control of their Marvel shows until they want to cancel them. This isn't about Disney's service.
  5. Man, it's going to be a bit before I get to this, but online buzz is on point for it.
  6. Honestly the Witcher games come across to me as Twilight for boys, so I don't mind if the characters are very different. But no in world explanation is going to make me feel better about seeing 35-year old Cavill romping around in bed with an actress that looks 16. It'll be as appealing as watching breastfeeding in Game of Thrones. Hopefully these are just bad photos.
  7. I'm thoroughly expecting a Bonfire of the Vanities situation.
  8. Or...maybe no one watched it so Netflix pulled the plug themselves?
  9. Apparently she is around 22. I took the risk and googled her. That’ll still feel weird with Cavill being 35 and looking it.
  10. That was a ton of fun. She’s going to be great.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/p/BokszlSnocN/ Its happening. It’s finally happening.
  12. Man, I really want a Pink & Blue Hawkeye on film. He's such a low key funny character that is a bit of a cocky doofus getting by on his physical gifts, and while I have nothing against Renner it feels like the MCU has wasted the opportunity. They needed someone playing him like a young Kevin Costner or Michael Keaton's character in Gung Ho. Someone who barrels into a situation expecting to be smart enough to solve it on the fly, or at least survive the day in order to repeat it all again tomorrow when the fallout lands.
  13. All of the original core is passing the mantle. That's plainly obvious based on exactly who they pared down with the Snap. One last ride with the old crew, and a proper send off without all of the tertiary characters needing to be focused on.
  14. Word is that could be Pedro Pescal under the hood? Because that would be pretty awesome.
  15. This doesn't move the needle either way for me. I think she did make a mistake with Solo, but it seems like they might have learned from that experience with recent statements they would reign the franchise back in a bit. We have a weird thing in our society where we don't let people make a misstep and grow as a person. For my money I can't wait until we're on the other side of Episode 9 (which I don't care about), and we can start seeing the new places Johnson's trilogy takes us.
  16. It amazes me that they managed to not only resurrect this franchise, but do it in a way that has me hyped for a sequel.
  17. Looks solid. Not sure if I am hyped for a Dark Phoenix movie though.
  18. That show is going to have to explain a lot of things about the Marvel universe if it's going to succeed.
  19. Patriot is up your alley if you like spies and/or Wes Anderson (yes, really). Orphan Black is solid thriller territory. Midsummer Murders is years of 90 minute mystery movies with a very casual, sweetly charming presentation, good for casually watching while doing other things And The Night Manager is fantastic
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