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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Yep. Call me when Sonia sotomayor sounds and writes opinions like a twitter tankie as Sam alito does for the Fox News comments section (with a flair of legal Latin)
  2. Guys America has always been crazy and reactionaries especially so. A casual glance through our history shows it!
  3. The proper response to these people is not “well ackshully they have a point” it is to laugh and mock them for being upset that advertisers don’t want to financially support racism sexism and transphobia Yes and what was the “other cult” and why did the daily wire get cut off from it
  4. There were like 4 searches for NyQuil chicken before the fda put out a statement and it only blew up after the fact
  5. This is very unlike enlightened centrists who are perfect and don’t have their heads buried in the sand
  6. The emphasis being “for the bedding industry” which from my experience is chock full of racists and sexists. I went to trade shows and could count the number of women or minorities on my two hands
  7. From some of my former coworkers who had to deal with him as a client they always said he was a bit off but didn’t know why. Always said he was extremely conservative even for the bedding industry however!
  8. No, and decent pollsters weigh by demographics which also includes urban/suburban/rural and educational attainment. The problem with polling is response/non-response bias from groups with low social trust. That is, white people with low educational attainment in the Midwest. Note that polls were mostly correct in 2018 so it is likely that trump himself drags out some hard to poll types making polls with him on the ballot more difficult, or so the theory goes.
  9. Also, Jesus how did I not mention this before: the right is already dismantling our rights it’s called the Supreme Court. (And this is to say nothing of the intra right wing fighting that would even take place when it comes to drafting actual new legislation. Big simple items like balanced budget or term limits or even life starts at conception yeah those might be unifying but outside of that, ire towards the left and grievance will only do so much for you especially when they get to brass tacks of putting words to paper)
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