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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. When you use a debit card you’re risking your money. When you use credit, you’re risking the banks money
  2. It’s a lot of easy but time consuming and very attentive work if you have a lot of auto drafts you want to keep going
  3. Winning this seat now and in 2024 would be so absolutely massive for our chances of holding the presidency in the face of Republican obstruction counting electoral votes or worse still, a tie
  4. Listen you don’t become and stay one of the most successful politicians in U.S. history by actually doing what you said you’d do
  5. No surprise given their local warlord likes to dress in racially offensive regalia
  6. Lmao. Even if you buy this: so what? There’s still tons of classified shit he wasn’t supposed to have
  7. Thank goodness mark Kelly is up this year and not Sinema
  8. At minimum she would need to elevate new leadership in waiting for many leadership posts
  9. If this election follows the trend, turnout projections I’ve calculated here show about 59% of voting eligible population, and about 135 million voters will vote in these midterms. the 2016 presidential election had 136.7 million voters, and 2020 had 158 million for reference. 2018 was about 83.4% of 2016 votes, this would be 85.4% of 2020 votes
  10. Yeah but the party should have more sway in these un winnable races getting millions from rubes. They use act blue! There’s leverage there!
  11. I don’t know why dems don’t just put some shithead resistance lib as a challenger to safe R seats like MTG and then just funnel that money to actually winnable races instead of millions being wasted on vanity runs by Amy McGrath
  12. Most federal judges love the cops and fbi and they’ve got their sweet gig so they don’t need to kiss his ass anymore
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