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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Also, since 9/11 (no forgetting!) Is in 2.5 hours EST, this seems like it ties everything together in a nice, tight, neat little bow
  2. Let's not forget this goddamn gem And this shit, too. Our congressional leaders are absolute fucking morons
  3. Absolutely bonkers. Was willing, and able, to shut down the government over not funding the wall like trump asked, but won't threaten to use that same leverage for goddamn pandemic relief aid. She's fucking pathetic, we need better leaders.
  4. Another government project doled out to a politically connected private company, not actually doing anything but making someone rich in the process. I thought you libertarians were against this kind of shit.
  5. This means that they could delete your record of being a registered voter meaning that you probably can't submit a paper ballot much less get it counted
  6. I agree, this doesn't absolve Trump, he should have been as forthcoming with the public as he was with Woodward (and would probably be cruising to reelection in the process!) And it may have saved thousands of lives! Woodward should have released this back then and it might have saved thousands of lives! But instead he saved it so he could sell books! Fuck him.
  7. He should have. The disconnect between his public statements and what he said here in EARLY FEBRUARY would have made a difference
  8. Counterpoint: no, it's not. Democrats in Virginia, where we now have a trifecta, have not come close to repealing right to work and forcing the state, independent cities, localities/counties to bargain with a union, even knowing that Unionization benefits democrats to the tune of 2-3 points on downballot races, and 3.5% in presidential elections when compared to states and regions with right to work laws. Now you may ask why democrats do not use this to help themselves, knowing that republicans go after right to work (and unions generally) for this very reason, and that's a fair question. I submit that it is because much of the democratic coalition is beholden to corporate interests because of the easy money these interests put into protecting against unionization (watching their own bottom line, so this includes other issues like M4A) and that many democratic electeds, including in Virginia Dr. Governor Blackface, are former republicans themselves who are true believers in this policy! All of this aside from the general timidity of democratic officials, cowering in fear of actually using their power, instead they are focusing on holding their majority through the next election, or worse still: trying to use republican logic in good faith when they are definitely not using whatever logic they use in good faith. Republicans aren't afraid to get fairly unpopular stuff done, even if it costs them the next election, because they realize the work they have done is bigger than one election, particularly if it meets the long term goal of their project, knowing full well democrats won't undo this work. My point being that we have a long, long way to go, imo, before we can say some of these things are even 10 years away.
  9. Also realize that the conservative movement wasn't born in a week or even a decade. The conservative reaction to the new deal, specifically, goes back to the new deal, but only electorally viable in one form or another since 1964, achieving great success with the election of Reagan in 80.
  10. A year ago I'd have said trump deserves a Nobel more than Obama, but now I'm merely moved to "Obama should have his revoked"
  11. I mean to say that it's the only argument for anyone on the left who, rightly imo, sees that you won't be able to push Biden left, he is what he is, BUT he is also the former chair of the judiciary committee and has a long record of supporting "good" judges that, for example, probably would not gut an expanded ACA or Medicare for all, or a green new deal, or even funding higher education and the elimination of student debt. Again, see the 5-4 podcast episode titled "the Biden court" for some more details here.
  12. Biden won't be pushed left or persuaded to do x, y, or z, just look at his history. It's fucking stupid to think so especially in light of his recent assurances to Wall Street on placating "the Warren people". The only objective reason to vote for him from the left perspective is as follows: maybe, just maybe, Clearance Thomas dies in office, or so does RBG or Breyer, or if we're really fortunate Roberts or Kav will get covid or whatever, and Biden has a democratic senate to replace one or more of them. If there's a chance to break the conservative courts, particularly SCOTUS, the conservative project of the last generation has failed and minoritarian rule is adverted for the time being. This is why I'm for packing the court. All the chicanery, suppression, gerrymandering, voter roll purges, etc, it possibly ends. That's what is keeping the conservatives in power, their bullshit is supported by the courts and it is what allows the doubling down on the white nationalist shit and not having to appeal to the growing non-white majority. Every conservative on the court has been funneled through the federalist society ringer and no matter what social wins you might occasionally get, this is their core tenant, and they will not deviate on this. The party has committed to this doubling down of white nationalism instead of embracing the other route for the right, as outlined in the 2012 post-mortum of moderating, listening to and responding in kind to Hispanic and other growing voter blocks. If minoritarian rule lasts it will be through violence, ultimately, and the courts, if we have a 7-2 conservative majority on the bench (and not withstanding or ignoring the lower courts as well) this, all of this you see around you today, will only and out of necessity, get worse as they cling to power. I highly recommend listening to the most recent episode of the 5-4 podcast on voting rights. It echoes a lot of what I have said here and then some. Good pod, too.
  13. Dump committees for....? Unserious suggestion from an unserious senator. A clown with power. Best take, imo:
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