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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Women don't deserve that treatment. For this woman, with this specific track record on *defending the person who harassed her against allegations of harassment* I'm sorry, it sucks that her boss is a monster but don't expect my heart to bleed over this case. This isn't a marriage, and her well being didn't depend on her paycheck, she did this for political reasons.
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/10/27/all-of-the-women-who-have-accused-trump-of-sexual-harassment-are-lying-the-white-house-says/ In case we forgot
  3. If she didn't explicitly defend him from previous claims of harassment I'd have some empathy. She can't selectively use ire about the president being a serial sexual harrasser for her own benefit, to drive clicks or book sales. The credibility of her claim rests upon the credibility of the other accusers which she had no solidarity with, and whom she actively tried to discredit! It's Trump's pattern of behavior that makes these claims credible, and is what makes her claim credible. I haven't seen anything to say that she has had some change of heart on this either. If bad things happen to bad people because of bad people, I do not shed a tear. Especially if they show no remorse. I'm quite consistent on this.
  4. No woman deserves to be sexually harassed by their boss. But don't expect me to cry a river over that boss, who you defended from very credible and in one case admitted sexual harassment claims (access Hollywood), turns around and does it to you. It's not a marriage, it's a job, and you're wealthy enough to not be dependent on the income. By all accounts that I can find, her and her family have just enough wealth to have "fuck you" money for at least several years.
  5. It's far, far easier to leave a job than a marriage, especially when you and your family are already relatively wealthy. This is a dumb argument.
  6. It took the civil rights act and voting rights act (in addition to a liberal SCOTUS) to fully realize the southern strategy reaction and the breaking of the democratic solid South. The ascending conservative wing of the GOP really took off in response to these civil rights items and the fracturing of the new deal coalition. The GOP in the 50's, of which Nixon was the (relative, to Eisenhower) conservative VP, actually pushed for civil rights laws! So looking at a Nixon post 64 election without the lens of the party realignment that happened due to the largely southern, largely conservative response to civil rights is kinda guesswork. But Nixon knew how to win, and he knew the republican party. So hard to tell how it would all shake out in an alternative timeline where JFK isn't murdered, and conservatives don't completely dominate the republican party building from Goldwater and Reagan in the 64 contest. Maybe conservatives run Goldwater as a primary challenge in 64, and that pushes Nixon right? Who knows. At best we'd get an even more watered down version of Medicare and civil/voting rights acts because the Goldwater criticisms of Eisenhower, "dime store New Deal", would be just as true to a moderate Nixon who won in 1960/governed from there.
  7. Nixon was always a crook I also doubt we would have had Medicare or any of the civil rights/voting rights/etc bills if Nixon is president
  8. I liken this situation to Herman Cain catching and dieing from covid after attending a rally indoors while not wearing a mask. I don't wish this on people, but it's an almost inevitable consequence of your actions and choices given the context.
  9. Why not just raise taxes on actual income of those with partners (or whatever) with substantial incomes instead of useless bureaucracy designed to kill government programs? Means testing on the front end of programs is terrible policy
  10. *Gestures towards the US Federal Government Covid Vaccine center, brought to you and sponsored by the Trump 2020 Campaign, which is actually a vacant recently built strip mall on the outskirts of Orlando
  11. I'm expecting trump to be at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the hollow shell of the one (1) building that gets erected in time for this date, and the NY times eating it up, framing it as a win for Trump
  12. I don't doubt there will be a vaccine announcement anyway. Anything to boost dear leaders poll numbers and chance of reelection
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