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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I'm 100% for this as long as Rogan can smoke a big fat blunt during the debate, on screen. No prepared questions, just Rogan being Rogan. Bonus if he asks them if they've ever had elk meat
  2. Makes sense in that context. You can do a whole lot of interesting things, a lot more quickly, with python/pandas than you can with just running sql queries
  3. Obviously, but the point is that SQL often feeds into a python/pandas scripts that easily work with other tools in the python ecosystem. For that reason, pandas and sql are apples and oranges! There are sometimes similar functions and capabilities, but to my knowledge you can't really query a relational database without sql! Even the pandas read_sql_query function requires you to write a domain/database specific sql statement in order to use it.
  4. The processes I work with use oracle and pgadmin for different processes using the exact same data and the biggest meaningful difference I've found thus far is the pgadmin system was set up using a different naming convention, I assume to single me out and make me angry. But yeah, sql is easy once you know one well enough, the rest are just a quick primer away from being useful to you, as they all should be compliant with standards. But select * from schema.table is pretty universal!
  5. It is. Expect the future of Chinese companies owning or operating in the US having to go through similar hoops
  6. HDPE can have a second life but yeah other than that I'm glad I no longer work in the chemical industry!
  7. It's just insane how intense this season is. We still have half the month of September, too! I think we're easily getting into the greek alphabet this year.
  8. If you have a stroke as a result of a covid infection, you die from complications from covid. Same as if you have hiv and you die of pneumonia, you died from complications due to hiv
  9. If this dumb shit answer costs the Senate just lol this country is so fucking dumb
  10. They have a significantly higher covid death rate than their Scandinavian neighbors (dunno about overall excess deaths compared to these countries) and fared no better economically (maybe even worse than other Scandinavian countries based on what I've posted here before) because, in part, their economy is so export driven, something lockdown or not they have little control over. It's more complicated than "they did ok" and "no they didn't"
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