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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. No I want to talk to them. They sound interesting. I know he's deeply unpopular, but he's still a republican and that's what matters in KY. McGrath is also a bad candidate!
  2. I honestly don't remember even getting to reconstruction in my high school history classes. We did the revolutionary war and some time before that, then to the civil war then just stop really. Maybe we made it to the progressive era, I just remember the pictures from the pullman strike but I also read ahead because the class was so boring. Next history or civics class was on government/civics and I think this covers my formal high school "social studies" education.
  3. A friend of mine from college helped organize a union at their workplace in Ohio, and got a handwritten note from Senator Brown thanking my friend for their work in unionization. This is why he gets reelected as a Dem in Ohio.
  4. We'Re SeRiOuS aBoUt GoVeRnInG ...But don't realize it's all political, and this isn't the west wing, and repetition, repetition, repetition is what voters get, it's what trump innately understands, just fucking do it! Seriously, the ads write themselves! "We've passed a dozen relief bills, all while trump and Mitch's senate have passed nothing!" That the details muddy this situation are irrelevant, it puts them on the defensive in having to explain why nothing has gotten done, and the line "the Dems are playing politics/stopping us from passing a single bill in our chamber" rings hollow when you've got a dozen bills passed from one chamber that the Dems control! It really seems like they're allergic to playing politics despite working in a political institution, mere weeks before an election!
  5. Right now the problem is timing, next the issue will be the policy or some minor element of price reform or justice that they just can't stand for. These people are fucking useless. Also, I really don't understand why house Dems don't just do what house republicans did back in the day when "repeal Obamacare" was a thing and just vote, vote, vote, vote on the same bill over and over and over and over again with regard to covid relief. Or even slightly different bills, so they can say "we've passed x number of bills, the senate has passed none" or something like that. They don't do any shit for show!
  6. Biden/Harris Yard Sign STORE.JOEBIDEN.COM Official Webstore for Team Joe Store $25 and ships in 14 days. 14. Days
  7. http://www.politico.com//favicon-16x16.png Why Democrats Fall So Hard for Military Candidates - POLITICO Magazine WWW.POLITICO.COM And why it probably won't help them win back the House this time, either. Oh look it's this loser again
  8. What I really mean to say is that white women look exactly the same no matter what.
  9. If you put her, Amy McGrath, and the chick running for senate in texas in a lineup I wouldn't be able to tell them apart
  10. She's gonna lose anyway, but Chuck and nancy certainly have a type for red districts
  11. "Owning the libs party" is already taken get a new schtick (Libs are more concerned with greens, the more natural ally on the left)
  12. The libertarian party is not a serious party. There's more elected DSA members and elected progressive party members currently in office, and at higher official positions, than the libertarian party
  13. Wapo is full of morons, whoever let this oped go through needs to be fired. It goes without saying that a lot of these right wingers are just clout chasing for their neighbors in DC
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