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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. No they’re not There’s enough solidly democratic states to block the amendments. This is FUD
  2. And not to both sides it but the wackos on the left are largely dipshits on twitter. Not presidential advisors.
  3. The oldest thing about me is I don’t understand twitch at all
  4. I dunno my last two companies had some pretty difficult fake phishing emails and at least quarterly trainings. But they were a utility and a company that was being acquired by a foreign company (subject to cfius regulation and approval) and took security extremely seriously. I’d imagine most non critical to national security companies just buy some package from a vendor and call it a day though (based on my current company) and that’s why they suck
  5. Got my ballot today, get to vote for my rep and nothing else
  6. What sort of range are you looking for? E bikes (not the same I know lol) vary wildly but 20 miles seems pretty common on the low end
  7. Sold my 2012 Honda Fit for 8400 lmao. Now ordering an ebike for short trips around the neighborhood
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