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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I can totally see "Baby Vision" being this years Baby Yoda at Christmas
  2. Just finished Arizona Sunshine on the Occulus. Fun little shooter.
  3. My grandmother passed last year on January 2nd, right after new year and the one good thing to come of it was that the family was able to travel down to South Carolina to bury her. I would hate to think how she would have fared during this lockdown, especially in such a red state. My mother made this point to the family a couple of weeks ago around the anniversary of her death.
  4. One of these will probably end up being formed by the end of the series.
  5. The time travel fuckery definitely has caused this... The Xmen already had their cinematic universe rewritten because of time travel shenanigans. Deadpool as well.... combine those with what happened in Infinity War and End game with the blips and time travel and you could easily say that the realities "merged". This could be the first step in setting that up. And reharding Agnes, she doesn't seem to be in any kind of distress when she breaks character like the other folks we've seen so far.
  6. I admit, I went through a phase of actually watching him when he was on CNN. I remember my friends at the time thinking I was nuts Fox is worried about these lawsuits from these voting machine companies and from my understanding, they are in real trouble.
  7. You can mute party chat once the match starts... press the ps button then press square. Also make sure you turn YOUR mic off in the PS menu as well. Even if you don't have a headset on, it defaults to your mic in your controller being on
  8. I played a bunch of matches last night and kept saying "just one more before I go to bed" Game is definitely fun and the third person adds a nice element to it.
  9. I saw some YouTube claim that the game flopped because gamers want the original Spiderman and not some politically correct replacement
  10. This fucker is too crazy for Newsmax Newsmax anchor storms off set when MyPillow CEO voices election conspiracies WWW.CNN.COM Newsmax anchor Bob Sellers repeatedly tried to cut off MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell in an interview Tuesday after the Trump-supporting executive spread election fraud falsehoods on air. That's a particularly touchy topic for the conservative news channel, because it was named in a lawsuit claiming it spread misinformation about voting machines.
  11. Just finished Hitman 3... fun game. Looking forward to redoing some of the missions over using different tactics.
  12. On the last mission of Hitman 3. Been playing a lot of that and Arizona Sunshine on the Oculus.
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