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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. WandaVision Director Addresses Controversial Line About Grief - IGN WWW.IGN.COM WandaVision director Matt Shakman reveals the true meaning behind Vision's hotly-debated line about grief. @SoberChef
  2. I play almost every single player game on the difficulty level one up from the standard. Games get too boring otherwise. If I really dig the game then I will almost always replay it on the hardest difficulty. For me that's when you REALLY get to know the ins and outs of the gameplay and design. So yes, I definitely play games for the challenge. One of the reasons I was dissappointed with Cyberpunk was that the game was too easy. I DESPISE artificial difficulty spikes and unfair scenarios though. DESPISE them.
  3. I never said it was hard... I said it forces you to get good at what the game wants you to get good at. It's a skill based game like a fighting game which requires pattern recognition and quick reflexes. It's not for you... cool. Not every game is for everybody. But there is a thriving community out there that loves the game and loves posting no-hit and no-damage runs. If you don't "get good" at the game's mechanics, you're not going to get very far. Just like if you button mash in most fighting games you're not gonna get very far. Same thing.
  4. Sekiro is a game a skill based game that literally requires the player to "get gud". That's the only way to progress in the game and it's a throwback to the arcade games of old. The replayability come in getting better at the games mechanics and tackling higher difficulties. It's not unlike a fighting game in that regard, or a puzzle or rhythym game. Sekiro turns a lot of modern players off because there are no easy game breaking builds in it to make it easier. You have to either master the game's gameplay and nuances or fail miserably.
  5. I've played through three of the four classes and maxed the demo level on all three. I co-oped the trickster but soloed the pyro and technomancer. You can definitely solo with all of the classes if you want, some are easier than others but all are soloable. Also EVERY class has an interrupt skill that cancels a bosses special move, but the bosses develop a resistance to these skills at some point which is timed. There's a whole page that explains how this works. The gameplay is VERY well balanced and thought out. Also the game throws less enemies at you if you're playing solo. @JPDunks4 and I played the other night and they definitely throw more enemies at you if you're in a group. Need to try the Tank class next, but I think Technomancer is my fav so far.
  6. She didn't recreate Pietro. Agnes did... and he's one of her thralls or something. Agnes has a whole line of dialogue about it.
  7. It was definitely the script... he's a pretty good actor and much better than the DC movies showed him to be. The ONE THING I thought Wheadon's JL movie got right was Cavill's Superman.
  8. ‘Justice League’s’ Ray Fisher Tweets Out New Complaint, WarnerMedia Immediately Responds DEADLINE.COM 'Justice League's' Ray Fisher Tweets Out New Complaint, Warner Bros. Immediately Responds
  9. That's exactly the calculation here... also shows on Paramount Plus will definitely have bigger budgets than anything on Showtime.
  10. So glad I waited to buy the Final Fantasy remake. That's always been my understanding... JRPG'S changed their battle systems up so much that I don't think any one system could be attributed to the genre. The battle system in FF7Remake seems preety similar to the system in Grandia and other "real time combat" JRPG's I've played. I never understood a JRPG to mean a turn based RPG exclusively.
  11. If Coates is writing it, it will definitely deal with some racial undertones but I don't think that's what it would be about. Like I said he's been writing Captain America for the last couple of years and race as not been at the forefront of his Cap stories. I'm pretty sure his work on Cap is probably what got him THIS gig.
  12. Clea would be a reach... she's pretty damn powerful herself as she's Dormmamu's niece. I doubt she's be in thrall like everyone else in the town.
  13. Terminator Anime Series Coming to Netflix From The Batman Co-Writer - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Netflix is working on a Terminator anime series with the Japanese studio behind Psycho-Pass and Ghost in the Shell. Maybe this will succed where the movies continue to fail.
  14. Literally. They were found by a woman who had nothing to do with them being taken. Lady Gaga's dogs recovered safely after theft, shooting APNEWS.COM LOS ANGELES (AP) — Lady Gaga's two French bulldogs, which were stolen by thieves who shot and wounded the dog walker, were recovered unharmed Friday, Los Angeles police said. A woman brought... My guess, she's related to the folks who took the dogs.
  15. I'm facebook friends with the guy who created Blue Marvel... fun fact it's THIS guy Google Image Result for https://i.pinimg.com/originals/db/c8/3f/dbc83f3bdb53f0a84e9af70de0f98526.jpg IMAGES.APP.GOO.GL GREAT character and I could totally see Marvel doing something with him in the cinematic universe at some point.
  16. I don't remember how he went back to his colored self from being all white. I just remember how he went white in the first place. It was in West Coast Avengers... i have those issues.
  17. Yes that's what I meant. One inside the Hex and one out. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened. He turned white in the comics when he was dismantled and his synthetic skin turned white due to lack of nutrients or something like that. He was white for most of the late 80's and early to mid 90's I think. Also they've alluded to the fact that Wanda's powers are connected to the same energies that power the Infinity stones. That's why she was able to destroy the Mind stone in the first place. My guess is the show will end with some allusion to who the real big bad is and that will lead right into Dr,. Strange 2.
  18. The one in the Hex is the Vision that Wanda created literally out of thin air. The White one is his reanimated body that they still had... remember she never took him the way Heyward said she did. I think next week we're gonna see Vision literally fighting himself.
  19. Seems like it based on what I've played. Playing with @JPDunks4 dunks now and it seems like there are a lot more enemies than solo.
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