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Everything posted by ort

  1. I remember in the past taking edibles and feeling like I was going to melt into the floor. Like I was going to vibrate into another dimension. This was way back before legalization and knowing what was in anything so I have no idea how much THC I consumed. Edibles just don't work well for me. Maybe because I'm a big dude... and at the price, I don't want to really see how much it would take to get me where I want to go.
  2. I wonder if some of this isn't blowback from COVID cutting the other way. People who are sick of it and don't want to vote for the party that wants to lock everything down. I mean, I get it. I 100% COMPLETELY FUCKING get that feeling... but still... ugh...
  3. That's a shitload of THC. I thought I had some high tolerances... I don't even know what 600mg of edibles would do to me. 40-50mg gets me a nice buzz... and I'm too cheap to take more than that. That's like $250 bucks worth of edibles at our local (legal) prices.
  4. We all knew it was coming, and yet, it felt so ridiculous that I never really accepted that we would stoop so low, and yet here we are... and the sniveling pathetic shitlords in the GOP are going to back his play... and half the country thinks that’s okay. Just fine and dandy.
  5. what a piece of shit. What a shitty period of history were living in. The worst part of all of this is realizing... like really truly realizing just how UNBELIEVABLY FUCKING STUPID AND EVIL so many people really are. How is this even happening? Have we abandoned all reason? What is happening here? This is like some sort of sick joke.
  6. Unable to watch the news yet. Plan on going on an all night pot bender and doom surfing between msnbc,cnn and fox. should be fun. Sounds like things aren’t going as well as they should be, but still feeling pretty okay? Overall?
  7. I have grown to think of it fondly, but at the time it was lame city for me and my friends. I really enjoyed the 2012 reboot series. It was a little uneven, and got weird and lost it's way toward the end, but in it's prime that was some quality children programming. I still say to this day that it has some of the best fight choreography for a show like this... way way better than it had any right to be...
  8. I'm probably gonna buy one of these. I'm excited, I haven't bought a new (personal) computer in like 9 years.
  9. Good, I was just thinking that TMNT needed, checks piece of paper... it's 17th reboot? I remember in 6th grade hating the original animated series because it was such a lame-ass kiddy version of the original comic (and tabletop RPG) I loved.
  10. I also do not. He was a guest on a podcast I listened to and says he is not really supporting either candidate and is generally not a fan of politics. He's definitely not a Trump supporter.
  11. 50 Cent has backed Trump as well. Ice Cube was mentioned above but he has NOT backed Trump. He helped found a group that is trying to promote pro-black policy changes in this country and they met with the Trump administration to go over their agenda and he was heavily criticized for doing so... but he is not endorsing or supporting Trump.
  12. This already feels like it's from a million years ago but... the United States has around 16,000 murders per year. Estimates are that maybe 1,000 of those are committed by non-citizens... which means that COVID has killed more Americans in 6 months than immigrants have killed in the last 100 plus years or whatever math you want to math. Bottom line, this is dumb and bad.
  13. Lil Pump dude, come on! Has the video of that been posted? Holy shit, talk about cringy... Remember when the talking head ghouls on Fox News all freaked out because Obama was chums with Common? Or how they always dismiss any celebrity opinion on anything as completely irrelevant and spend all their time demonizing and belittling celebrities who speak about politics? I wonder what they'll say about this... oh wait, I know... nothing.
  14. I voted for Trump all the way. This has all been an act, I've been trolling all you losers this whole time. MAGA202020! Lil Pimp! gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang
  15. Successfully voted. Got there at 5:40am (polls open at 6). The line was 60 people. Once they started letting people in, the line moved fast. I was all done at 6:35. No fuss, no hiccups. The line had grown to be all the way down the street as I was leaving, (probably 200 people) so hopefully that's good news. This is in a liberal leaning suburb in St. Louis, Missouri...
  16. Figure out a way to eliminate the electoral college and/or have the senate more closely match the political values of the country it represents.
  17. I was paying slightly more attention to the music because I was somewhat aware of all the drama and I have to say I thought it was quite good throughout. They didn't miss a beat. Fit right in with the first two games and was nice and moody when it had to be and insane and pounding when it had to be. I'm far from an expert, but I thought the music was great like it always is. If I didn't know about what happened, I don't think I would have even paid it a second's thought... and not in a bad way.
  18. I hate this line of thinking. So you're saying that all of the hospitals, all over the country, EVERYWHERE are faking huge amounts of these COVID deaths to make extra money? That would be like the biggest fucking conspiracy scandal in the last 50 years or whatever. Is that really your position? great, show me some fucking data or verification or anything at all backing this ridiculous shit up or SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT. SPREADING INFO LIKE THIS IS FUCKING KILLING PEOPLE. WHEN PEOPLE SPREAD THIS INFO IT IS LEADING TO MORE AND MORE PEOPLE DYING. It's fucking dangerous and these idiots need to shut their fucking face holes. How is Trump spreading this too? What a god damned disgrace. The man is a legit murderer who is probably directly responsible for at least 100,000 of the deaths in our country. I consider everyone who supports him to have that blood on their hands too, and they will all be met with instant and powerful condemnation. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR A FUCKING WORD FROM THIS MURDER SQUAD. THEY ARE ALL DRIPPING WITH THE BLOOD OF OUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES AND FUCK THEM ALL.
  19. I beat this (on easy mode). I had more trouble with level 2 than level 3. I think that's because I got more into groove and figured out better strategies for dealing with the insanity they throw at you. I had more trouble with the level 2 boss as well. Overall, pretty fun, but nothing that doesn't feel like just a couple of (super hard) levels tacked on. There were at least 10 times I said to myself... "Well, I won't be able to beat this, I guess this is the end of this expansion for me... oh well..." and then I powered through. You have to pick off the demons one by one, focus on the biggest threat and ignore the others. It's the only way to do it. Stay alive, keep your health and armor up and just get a shot in where you can. 90% of this game is spent in pulse pounding insane chaos... even mores than the normal game. What's funny is that I started the game over just for fun, and the first level feels so comically easy. In Ancient Gods, every single part of the game is inhabited by respawning zombies, soldiers and imps... they serve as power-ups and they are there to help you get ammo and health. Starting over, they throw them at you as if they are a real threat. The big difference being that you aren't all the way powered up... but still it feels laughable...
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