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Everything posted by ort

  1. Yeah, the trailer felt weird. Is this a sequel or an animated reboot / retelling of the comic/movie?
  2. I am one of those people who wears gym shorts and t-shirts all the time and do not generally think dressing up makes any sort of difference... and am anti-dress codes in most work places... but I guess I'm somewhat old fashioned, but I do think that congresspeople and senators should put some effort into looking professional... But do I care enough to think it's actually important at all? No. This is a waste of time. Roll your eyes at him, make a quip here and there and move on with your life. There are a million things more important than this for the senate and the country and the media to worry about.
  3. The second story right now is called "CLOSE CALL" "Biden nearly stumbles exiting Air Force One, hours after team's efforts exposed" and features footage of Biden coming down stairs and ever so slightly slipping for one second. Like, he kinda comes down awkward on a step for a second. I literally had to watch it twice because I wasn't even sure what they were even talking about. That's the number 2 news story in America today.
  4. Good Fox News headline for this one... A kinda unflattering photo of a black woman, a photo of a smiling clapping Trump and the headline "Judge announces decision in former President Donald Trump's real estate fraud case". SLOW CLAP...
  5. It was shot in that style, and they talk to the camera sometimes like they are on a reality tv show, but to the best of my knowledge they are not supposed to be on a documentary. I don't know, I only watched the show in passing and always thought that aspect was weird.
  6. If it's an all new cast I can see it maybe working... but the real magic of The Office was the cast and the characters... it would be hard to replicate...
  7. Hmmmm, yeah, they do sound good. I bet if I didn't know I wouldn't even notice, but there is a good chance it will be distracting because people will spend the whole time swearing they can hear a difference... Roiland was a very good voice actor who put a lot of emotion and nuance into these roles... it's "easy" to just sound like them, but there is a lot more to it than that... Rick felt closer than Morty did to me, but both sound great... in a trailer...
  8. The next thing they are going to do is try and figure out ways to get people to stop hopping from service to service.
  9. Ads on streaming are worse too... they are crazy repetitive, completely unskipable... sometimes glitch out and cause your stream to stop or go screwy... shows either don't have proper ad breaks so they just come in at weird random times, or if they are old network TV shows, the ad breaks don't line up with the actual ad breaks... When I had cable and TiVo, skipping ads was butter smooth and they didn't even bother me. Ads on streaming SUPER SUCK. We were enjoying all the companies happily lose money to try and get a foot in the door, but eventually no one wants to lose money and then the BS starts to creep in... The truth of the situation is that the world cannot support 15 different pay streaming services. It's not a tenable situation.
  10. I believe that if you subscribe to their online service, all of your saves are stored in the cloud and you can just redownload everything and it will just work. That's what I did and it just worked. There may be additional complications because Nintendo sucks at this sort of thing and setting up new systems / managing accounts and logins can be a hot bowl of turtle diarrhea. I ran into several super annoying and frustrating roadblocks to trying to give Nintendo more of my money and own two switches. Most of the process was annoying as FUCK, but the process of redownloading everything was easier than I expected.
  11. While the whole Barbenheimer thing was mildly amusing, I honestly think that the silly meme or whatever ended up benefiting both films greatly. It truly was a win-win. Got them a lot of free publicity and buzz...
  12. I worked as an usher in my teens and the stuff you find is pretty incredible. Lots of condoms, money, drugs, beer/booze bottles, etc... You haven't truly lived until you've taken acid you found on a movie theater floor.
  13. Yeah, I’ve done a 180 and decided I really don’t need to upgrade. A better camera would be nice, but literally none of the other features will do anything to improve my life. My battery is already sufficient, I don’t care about the dynamic island, the custom action button thing is an okay feature, but not worth an upgrade, my phone is plenty fast for everything I do, I have enough storage, I don’t play big fancy games on my phone, 120Hz screen isn’t important to me, etc… since I seem to be keeping phones longer and longer, I want to make sure that the one I get “stuck” with is very compelling. I bet if I didn’t work from home I would feel differently, but my iPad has replaced my phone for most of the phoney stuff I do… and I take it with me a lot of the time as well. Possible reviews of the camera may change my mind again... I like how I'm basically arguing with myself on whether I should upgrade or not...
  14. I'm still hemming and hawing... My problem is that there is really nothing wrong with my current phone... and my current work from home lifestyle doesn't make my phone as important as it has been in the past... But AT&T has a deal where I can get a $1,000 trade in on my current phone which would basically mean I get the new one for like $350 bucks after taxes and fees... and there's enough new features that it's worth $350 bucks to me... but then I get locked into AT&T for another 3 years and I will also be stuck with this phone model for 3 years. I mean, you aren't "stuck" stuck, but nothing will stop the payments and I won't be able to leave AT&T, not that I'm planning on leaving, but I don't like knowing I cannot. They get you by the balls with these upgrade plans... we have 5 lines on this plan and everyone is always in different stages of their payment plans on the phones so you are pretty much always locked in... and they make the deals so good you are almost forced to use them. I mean, a $1000 trade in on a 3 year old phone? That's hard to pass up. It's funny how everyone hated the old system of "free" subsidized phones that locked you in for 2 years, which also basically forced you to upgrade since if you weren't in subsidization period you were essentially leaving money on the table since a big chunk of your monthly payment just exists to offset these costs whether you have a new phone or not... well, we got away from that, BUT we are now basically just right back to that exact same system again... only instead of subsidizing your lock in, they lock you in with too-good-to-pass up trade in offers that leave you almost no choice but to use them... I'm probably just gonna upgrade... whatever...
  15. The USB-C spec is a hot mess. The only thing truly universal is the connector. This is partly why I've always been so annoyed at the EU for forcing this on everyone. No one will have any motivation to ever make a better standard. Why would any company put any R&D into improving this since it is literally illegal to ship a device with a different charging port? We will be stuck with USB-C for the next 20+ years. Hopefully at some point they make it so we can have a more universally agreed upon set of standards that make the cables more interchangeable than they are now. Like I said earlier in this thread, I have to have two USB-C cords on my desk, because I have about 10 USB-C devices and there are like 3 of them that can only charge on a low-wattage charger and then the rest that won't charge on those low-power chargers. So it really isn't universal and may in fact be much more confusing for most people than just having two different connectors would be.
  16. Super everyone apparently... because it turns out Samsung and Google phones also come with cables that only support USB 2 data speeds.
  17. Poking around Apple site for 5 minutes makes me 99% believe that the Pros DO NOT come with a cable that supports USB-3 speeds. On the marketing page the cable shown in the transfer speed callout graphic is a black cable with a visible thunderbolt logo on it... and it has an asterisk that says... "USB 3 cable with 10Gb/s speed required." and in the description of WHATS IN THE BOX it says... "Included in the box is a USB‑C Charge Cable that supports fast charging and is compatible with USB‑C power adapters and computer ports." Super shitty.
  18. iPhone 15 Pro Supports Recording ProRes Video Directly to External Storage WWW.MACRUMORS.COM Apple's iOS 17 release candidate build that was released yesterday includes code that reveals the new requirements for recording ProRes video...
  19. It's crazy how Romney went from being a villain to one of the few reasonable seeming republicans... and I'n not sure he really changed at all... the rest of the party just went bat shit insane over the last 20 years...
  20. And the all USB-C dream still has hiccups... because I have multiple devices in my house that can/cannot use certain USB-C chargers because the wattage is off.
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