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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Lol no, it doesn’t. It only would stick out to people who are desperately looking for it to be there. You must have been super pissed when Vader took down Obi Wan and he just disappeared instead of his entrails falling out all over the floor. And to think this was a C level episode based on just the episode structure alone? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  2. Jesus we’re back to the “why aren’t there Dead Alive levels of gore and dismemberment during lightsaber battles DiSnEy SuCkS” thing again.
  3. He’s not saying it’s not an issue. He’s just addressing that you pretty strongly accused Nintendo of willingly being supportive of and using slave labor. He was just pointing out that none of the stuff you posted really confirms that allegation. Im not trying to jump on either side. I’m sure Nintendo, like most huge companies, does some shitty stuff both knowingly and unknowingly.
  4. One of the first things I noticed was the snow sticking to Eivors boots and the bottom of his cloak. Then when you go someplace warm it melts and only those places that had snow look wet. Pretty cool.
  5. The show is great. The problem is that Star Wars fans Inherently want to destroy everything they love. It’s in their nature. Because they build up everything to be so big snd so grand (something Star Wars NEVER was) in their head. That they then rip apart and destroy anything that doesn’t live up to the storylines in their head that they jerk off to in their basements. I fully expect them to take Mandolorian down this path as well.
  6. But it’s also a really well done an entertaining show. It’s possible to be both.
  7. 😂😂 James Woods must have had such a raging hard on while making that. Also, fuck trying to do a Rudy accent I’m speaking as is 😂😂
  8. Yeah the movie is pretty funny with a few LOL moments. But honestly I think the show is WAY better.
  9. Ahhh the pure elation of beating your first boss followed by the familiar terror of making it 45 min into the next area then dying before making it to the first shortcut 😔
  10. So what’s the weirdest side quests you guys have come upon so far? I had to help a kid clean crates of shit out of his house thag his dad was collecting. And if you stayed in the house too long you died 😂
  11. Im about 13 hours in so the story really hasn’t opened up yet but... Eivor and his “brother” Sigurd have moved to England to start a new life. After killing the leader who was oppressing their clan back in Norway another leader came along and wanted to unite all the Danes under his banner. They weren’t interested in living under another ruler so they left to start their own settlement. Once there Sigurd leaves to seek out the Danes who had already landed in England and established a foothold. He wants to make nice with them so they don’t step on any toes basically. The underlying story is that during his travels Sigurd met two members of the Hidden Ones. This of course being the guild that Aya and Byak founded at the end of Origins. We’re in 897 so this order will transition to being known as the Assassins sometime over the next 2/300 years. They’ve tagged along for the ride because ever since the Romans retreated out of England 400ish years earlier their order has had almost zero presence in England. That has allowed the Ancient One, the group that will eventually pivot into being called the Templars, to gain massive footholds throughout the kingdoms. The two Assassins you’re traveling with have been tasked with eliminating the Ancient Ones from England. They approach Eivor about helping them with this task since it would be mutually beneficial to both parties for Eivor to take out the Ancient Ones. So at this point in the story you are helping to eliminate some low level targets for the Assassins as you work with your clan to create alliances to establish yourselves on the continent. Thats kind of it for the story so far, that I’ve gotten through. Not much of a story arc yet, just more of some basic motivations for what you’re doing. Although seeing as this is an AC game I’m sure that revenge will become a driving force at some point or another haha. If you want help with the modern story I’m gonna need a bunch more paragraphs lol
  12. To be fair he made another post after the election had swung the other way pointing out that he was an idiot for making this initial post.
  13. Its similar in that it’s the next step in the progression of the game that started with Origins. The combat is similar but improved IMO. So far the world is great. Not as vibrantly bright, more along the lines of what you saw in Witcher 3. But there’s still a lot of beauty there. Running on top of a snowy mountain while the moonlight reflects off the snow is pretty breathtaking. I’m not too far along but the characters seem pretty on point as well. And unlike Odyssey both the male and female are acted well haha. So your main gripe seemed to be the side quest system? That is WAY different. Instead of collecting a series of level based side quests that you complete one by one they’ve gone with a “points of light” system. Basically on the map you see either Yellow(treasure) Blue(Mysteries) or White(artifacts) points of light. Think of them like a color coded version of the “?” from Witcher 3. So you can choose which to go to and you know what you’re getting. The treasure ones are typically the important materials needed for upgrading your gear. The artifacts are new gear(of which there is much much less) or abilities and the Mysteries are your side quests. So far I haven’t run into any really long side quests(although I believe they do exist) most of them are fun little stories that are contained to the immediate area. As a result the game has a better flow. It’s much easier to play through the single player and take detours when you see something cool. Or just spend some time exploring if you want. But so far it’s never felt like I HAVE to run the side quests. Simply that they’re there for a nice change of pace. It’s much better than Odyssey IMO. Hope that helps
  14. Reminds me of Mark Hamil’s character from Jay and Silent Bob
  15. At this point probably just Valhalla, maybe a little Godfall sprinkled in. Valhalla has sucked me in so much that I really don’t have a great desire to play anything else right now.
  16. I could have sworn there was a thread for this but I couldn’t find it. Two episodes in and I’m really enjoying it so far. Nicole Kidman is absolutely crushing it. I’m enjoying a lot of the the subtle little story bits that could be clues/foreshadowing, could be red herrings or could be me reading way to into it haha.
  17. Yep same, I love all the Souls games as well as Bloodborne and just couldn’t get into Sekiro
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