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Posts posted by Mercury33

  1. 15 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    Well of course, people are dying to get out and do something social and "normal." I wasn't a big fan of going to the movies to begin with because there's always some jackass who's very clearly sick hacking up a lung every time I go, on top of theater hygiene just being gross in general, but even I wouldn't mind going out and seeing a movie... a few weeks after I get both shots.

    You’re either a germaphobe or you live in a really gross town lol

  2. 27 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    Will they allow controllers on PC Diablo? I never really got into Diablo 3 because Diablo seems like a sort of mindless podcast game, which is fine by me, but I either had to play it on my console to use a controller or on my PC for the "real" experience, not that it ran badly on consoles, but it's usually more of a pain in the butt to switch over to a console for what I consider a relaxing experience. 


    Getting back out of the weeds, I would be dramatically more likely to actually play a Diablo title if I could play the PC version with a gamepad.

    I would assume there will be support for a PC game pad. Would be very odd if they left it out. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Komusha said:

    What’s wrong with hating on a director who has a large alt-right fan base? Do you think that happens by accident? His adaptation of Watchmen mistakes Rorschach as a hero. He didn’t leave the fascism out of 300. He wants to adapt The Fountainhead. I could go on and on, but let’s not blame those who have a distaste for him. It’s not like it isn’t earned.

    This is some stretching one Mr Armstrong would be proud of

  4. Yeah that Overwatch and Tekken comparison ain’t it haha.  Remember when MK was released it was THE MOST TALKED ABOUT GAME IN THE WORLD because of the blood and fatality controversy. The characters have been around for almost 30 years. It is/was a part of pop culture in a way those other games can only dream of being. The characters aren’t just famous they’re infamous. I’m not sure they’re quite on the level of Mario/Sonic/Pikachu but probably a tier below them. 

  5. So I’ve barely played any turn based tactical RPGs. A little Banner Saga and a little Ogre Battle back in the day. Which is what this seems to be? Tried it just because it looked fun in the video and I’m really into it. The story seems cool and the one battle I did on the bridge was a lot of fun.  I have no idea if this a good representation of the genre but I’ve enjoyed what I played so far and am actually looking forward to the full release. Never too old to try new stuff haha

  6. On 2/15/2021 at 11:34 PM, CayceG said:


    Right. I'm a big fan of thriller and noir types. The Third Man is one I keep going back to that just got all the right buttons for me. That's also why there's more Hitchcock on the list now.


    Like I said, westerns and samurai, but I feel like that is well represented. I'll likely also see The Searchers too. Beyond that I'm not sure. 


    My favorite movies ever are Dr Strangelove and Buckaroo Banzai. Strangelove for the thriller aspects and black comedy and Buckaroo for how wild and off kilter and self aware it is.

    I'll gladly take recommendations, but this string of great movies had me seeking out 9/10s and 10/10s to really catch up. 


    I've lived on a diet of MST3K level B movies for so long it's time to appreciate some quality.


    If it's a movie that's nearly universally regarded as a 10/10, it'll probably land on the list. Romance isn't too high on my radar, but the one I can see that needs to be added is Casablanca. That one is another I've missed.


    If you haven’t seen them yet Dial M for Murder and Rear Window are by far my absolute favorite Hitchcock movies. 

  7. 1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

    I don’t get why people think the Joker scene is so funny

    Yeah I don’t get what’s funny. I don’t get the reference at all. 

    I thought that trailer was pretty awesome and has moved me from “meh I guess I’ll watch it” to “that’s looks awesome I’m there night 1”


    I fully expect no matter how good it is that this board will shit all over it though. 

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