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Posts posted by Mercury33

  1. 17 hours ago, crispy4000 said:


    They're paying for most of those though.  If it's a (timed) exclusive from an AAA or AA publisher, it's Nintendo dropping cash.

    Gotta look at how the rest of the industry is or isn't supporting the Switch to get the full story.

    Well yeah, that’s usually how exclusives work from 3rd party publishers. 

  2. How can one simultaneously be the number 1 place for indie games while also be losing 3rd party support? Those statements literally contradict themselves. Unless you’re referring to 3rd party games like Madden, CoD and Assassins Creed? Yeah, no one has bought those games on a Nintendo console since the Gamecube. There’s nothing to lose there. 

    Sheesh the number of “I don’t like it and therefore it being wrong is a fact” arguments that happen on this board are staggering. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, thedarkstark said:

    The Wii U is proof that you're dead wrong. Casual fans are fickle they have no loyalty and will leave at the drop of a hat, thats why having a core audience is important for sustained sucess.


    You clearly don't understand why the Wii U was a "dud" as you call it (hint: it had very liitle to do with the hardware)



    Reading comprehension for the loss. I wasn’t saying they’ve got the casual market on lock no matter what. But the hardcore market doesn’t prop up Nintendo either. Did they prop up the Wii U? And the Wii U was 100% a dud. Not sure why you put quotes around that. It was lesson in marketing mistakes and they underestimated soccer moms desire to upgrade the only console they’d ever bought before. 

    Have they won some of their hardcore crowd back? Of course. That’s why the Switch is outpacing the Wii. But if middle aged neck beards stop buying the switch for whatever reason, it’ll still put up monster numbers because of how popular it is with kids and casuals. 

  4. 4 hours ago, thedarkstark said:

    Ohhh you're right i forgot nintendo gets paid by the hour! My bad! Oh wait they don't, and if somebody puts 10,000 hours into AC nintendo still only makes $60.


    Attach rate is the most important thing and its why the wii started to sputter and die near the end of its life cycle because despite the console selling like gangbusters all the soccer moms who only bought it for wii fit weren't bringing in any profit. But by all mean continue living in fantasyland and thinking that nintendo is as profitable as Sony and MS.


    The reason why customer service is crucial is because repeat business and word of mouth advertising is irreplacable. Looks like that is a lesson Ninteno will have to learn the hard way... AGAIN.


    And for clarity I personally don't care about hardware being underpowered I care about them continuing to deny or address joycon drift despite being sued numerous times and it affecting millions of people, I also care about them charging $20 a year for a service that offers absolutely nothing, and their continued backward ass thinking when it comes to content creation.

    TF are you even talking about? Nintendo has to learn a hard lesson about customer service? Why is that exactly? The Wii, 3DS and Switch all sold staggering amounts of consoles. No one cares that Nintendo is the most anti consumer company. They have the reputation of selling the most affordable, most reliable consoles on the market. Hell they released a complete dud in the WiiU and then followed it up with the best selling console of all time lol. People will buy Nintendo no matter what. 

    Hardcore gamers don’t matter to them. The people that buy Animal Crossing and Pokemon 100% do move the needle. You think “hardcore” gamers haven’t already been leaving Nintendo in droves over the last 15 years? And Nintendo has clearly had no problem replacing them and then some. So if you or people like you leave, they won’t care one bit. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

    Maybe everyone's praise for this show set raised my expectations too much, but after three episodes of cheese I'm not inclined to keep going. The IMDB episode ratings don't really improve. Is it safe to say that if I'm not in after a few episodes, this show just isn't for me?

    Yeah the cheese never really goes away. It’s def an intentional part of the show. I would say that yes the show continues to get better and better and has a lot of legit emotional moments to balance the cheese. But the cheese never goes away. 

  6. Ok I stopped reading or taking anything @crispy4000 says from here on out after “no I haven’t played or seen these games in person”. Lol then how are you even commenting on this? You literally have idea what you’re talking about.

    And the argument just keeps shifting. First the games don’t have as big a jump. Then the backwards comparability upscaling was better. Now the old launches were better because then had better TRAILERS for

    future games?? LOL. Just off the top of my head Rachet and Hellblade showed off some pretty next gen shit. 

    Side note, has anyone in here never been inside a car before? I need some advice on which one rides the best 🙄 

    • Haha 1
  7. Menu load times is what you got out of that? Have you actually played any of these games or used either of the consoles?


    Outside of maybe Ryse, nothing at launch last gen was a mind blowing graphical jump. It took a couple years(and UR4) before we saw the bigger jumps. This gen will be about speed and performance over graphical fidelity, although that will certainly come with time. Both of those things are featured in launch games. So again. Just because you personally didn’t get excited, doesn’t mean the console launches didn’t meat expectations for a new generation. 

  8. You can’t see where the console is going?? Have you played Spider-Man or Demon Souls? The loading times are cartridge-esque. The graphics evolutions will ALWAYS be slow going from here on out. But it’s certainly noticeable in Demon Souls. And after that UE demo that gives you a further glimpse into what’s coming down the road in that department. Then you’ve got Astro giving you a glimpse of maybe the next level of Immersion. That remains to be seen whether it’s a fun gimmick or a true next step for controllers. 

    Just because you personally dont have butterflies or whatever you were looking for from this gen doesn’t mean it didn’t take clear jumps, deliver a solid launch lineup and give you a glimpse of what’s to come. Come on now. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

    Either you never paid enough attention to what the Wii U was or this is a joke post.

    Hes not wrong though. The marketing on it was terrible and they drastically underestimated the casual markets desire to upgrade their Wii. They also clearly were already thinking of the Switch concept. It is an interesting console. It’s not a good console. But def interesting. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 12 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

    Finished War Lord by Bernard Cornwell. I didn’t care for the previous book and while this one is slightly better, it is good that the series is ending. I want to check out this King Arthur books but my library does not have them digitally. Hopefully they do have hard copies. 

    Def go out of your way to find The Warlord Chronicles(King Arthur story). It is probably my favorite cumulative story that I’ve read in the last 10 years or so. Def helps if you’re already a fan of Arthurian stuff because the way Cronwell handles transitioning those characters to a real life setting is brilliant. 

    Im finishing up a reread of Dune(which I started to get ready for the movie 😐). Probably going to read Ready Player Two next for something light and fluffy. Not sure what to do after that. I’ve never read any of the Dune sequels because I didn’t hear great things. Are any actually worth reading? Also might jump back into the Dark Tower series as I only got about halfway through before I needed a break. 

  11. Well...that was good I guess.  I didn’t dislike it but I really didn’t like it either. I found the whole thing to be pretty unremarkable. Felt like an elongated version of one of their shorts. I also got zero emotion out of it. And I’m someone who cried in WallE when they’re flying in space because of how beautiful that scene is. Joe is completely unlikeable. I never cared if he got to live his dream. And 22 was meh. The captain of that dream ship was the most likeable character in the whole movie. But oddly enough I’m glad I saw it. I didn’t hate it. But I can honestly say, unlike almost every other Pixar film, I have zero desire to ever watch that again. 

    Also my son got upset and asked what happened to the soul of the cat. Which I thought was funny given thats one of the criticisms of WW84. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


    I really am going to enjoy seeing:


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    Marco Inaros eventually get his. Drummer or Naomi gonna put a bullet in his head before this is all over.


    Agreed. He is a fantastic villain. Totally crazy comparison but I really hope it takes awhile to pay off that arc so that it’s as earned and lands as hard as the end of the Alfred arc in Last Kingdom

  13. 56 minutes ago, CayceG said:

    So would the issues of this movie be mostly due to writing, or directing?


    Because I want the Patty Jenkins Star Wars to be good and I don't want this movie to portent something different. 

    I think more on the writing. And depending on what was cut from the film then maybe the sequencing. I know the studio interfered and drastically changed the ending to the first WW and I’m curious if anything similar happened here. The first two scenes especially. I could see the studio saying “we HAVE to have a scene with the Amazon’s and since it’s 1984 we HAVE to have some nostalgia so put a big sequence in an 80’s mall.


    Im pretty confident she can deliver something really good in the Star Wars universe. She certainly seems to be able to get great performances from her actors

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