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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Finally arrived last week and played a couple games. It’s amazing. The app integration is so well done. Like it handles a lot but it never feels like you’re not playing a board game still. The tower is fantastic. I mean it’s superfluous, it doesn’t do anything you couldn’t have done with cards/dice but the atmosphere and sounds just ooze out of it. Very simple and easy to teach rules but in depth enough that it’s not watching other peoples turns. I can already say that this will be far and away our most played game this year.
  2. Sleepy Hollow was another show with an amazing first couple seasons before it dove into “wait wtf is going on” territory
  3. How approachable would this be for a beginner game age 7/8? Did the changes push the game towards more experienced gamers or is it still pretty approachable? Also is it still co-op?
  4. Yes becasue he’s arguably the most over guy in the company. And has been for several years.
  5. I look forward to watching this on TNT in 3 years on some Sunday afternoon when nothing else is on
  6. 1000% this. The Watchmen movie is cool to look at and see comic panels come to life. But it misses the point at nearly every single opportunity.
  7. Yeah I took the lift and did all that stuff. That was a cool moment because I’d been wondering how you access that part of the map for awhile. I’ve beaten Radahn. I unlocked a way to get to the Capitol but I peaced out. Haven’t done Volcano Manner. I got the invite or whatever from a side quest but I haven’t actually found it yet. I found the back way into the Atlus Plateau(haven’t found the second half of the lift medallion)
  8. Woohoo ASTEL and Glintstone down! Fuck Astel. What an annoying fight. I think I finished Ranni’s quest so now I’ve got no one to tell me where to go next 😔 I guess Atlus Plateau maybe?
  9. Im the same way. Massive open world games I usually have to play in two chunks with like a month or two break in between.
  10. That was the worst story I’ve ever heard in my entire life. And I’m 99% all the other guys on the Bombcast thought that as well. I laughed my ass off when Jeff was just like “ok” when she was done. She just comes as that person whose trying way to hard bro. I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t stand her.
  11. Yeah staying close seems the best strategy. But then he spams those slam attacks that trigger an AoE. I had him down to one more hit and he did the move where he disappears then reappears right behind you and did the grab attack where he eats you for the one hit kill. I almost broke the tv.
  12. I think this Voidwalker asshole is the first boss in this game I genuinely don’t like. Beautiful design and stage but this thing feels random and cheap as hell.
  13. This is Kenneth Branagh’s first Oscar? That’s crazy
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